
Should it be legal for parents to have their childrens ears pierced?

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Should it be legal for parents to have their childrens ears pierced?




  1. It shouldn't be illegal, that's just silly.  However, I'm not into piercing infants' ears, parents need to use good judgement and wait until their daughter is actually old enough to ask to have their ears pierced.

  2. Yeah, i dont see any problems in piercing your babies ears. My daughters ears were pierced when she was 6 months old.

  3. The question is a bit confusing. Do you mean that it should be legal for parnets to get their childrens' ears pierced, i.e. the children get no say ?

    Or do you mean that it should be legal for children to allow their children to get their ears pierced?

    The question doesn't make sense. Read it again.

  4. sure.

  5. I don't agree with children  having their ears pierced at all until they are older.  What's the point of it? Some schools forbid jewellery anyway. My daughter had hers done when she was old enough to make her own decisions. She had it done safely by my GP in sterile conditions at his surgery. I hope some stupid parent doesn't start a trend for their daughter to have their lip, nose, etc., pierced. What're you trying to do, make them attractive to men? It ought to be illegal.

  6. Piercing ears has been a custom for many years. I have seen babies with gold plugs in their ears.  I don't know if we should suddenly make it illegal, since our jails would be flooded with guilty parents.

    I would say that it should be discouraged for parents to pierce any part of their children's bodies besides ears.  I wouldn't want to see little children with their eyelids, navels, tongues or eyebrows fitted with dangling Bling.   In many cases, these piercings can lead to health problems.

    But ears?  I don't know.  I am just happy that I had all boys and that piercing, back then, was not in vogue.

  7. What is wrong with it?  Yes it should be legal  Babies heal faster and better and there is a less of a chance of a keloid.  YOu as the parent clean it which may not happen if you let a little girl do it.  Also the studs don't get hooked on anything so there is  no concern for  it being pulled out. They grow up with it so it is not a big deal to them later.  Also the argument of letting them decided 98% of girls will want their ear pierced and if they don't like it they can take it out and not wear it


    We peirced our daughters ears after her 4 month shots and she cired less for that then she did the shots.  Now she is two and loves earings

  8. It shouldn't be allowed. I'm sorry to burst your bubble (some of you) but it DOESN'T look sweet, it doesn't look cute, it looks vile. It's a silly, unnecessary and completely pointless excercise.

    I've even heard some parents justify it by mentioning the MMR!! Comparing a potentially life saving injection to body jewellery?? Get a grip! I must admit, I do make judgements on the parents if I see their child (inevitably named Courtney or Charmaine) with a piercing. I assume they're chavs. Haven't been proved wrong yet.

  9. I think piercing should be 18 regardless of parental consent.

    If I was to ram a needle through my sons nose I would be charged with abuse so why should it be different?

    No No No its wrong!

  10. I dont think so most girls are going to want there ears pierced. I had my 2 year olds done when she was 9 months she cried a sec and then she was done. SHe never plays with them and she's always looking in the mirror saying pretty. Now my 5 month old daughter will be getting her ears pierced soon.

  11. I guess it depends on your cultural background, I had my ears pierced a few months after I was born and at 18 i got two other ear piercings(my dad didnt want me to have more before), When I have a daughter I plan on doing the same , she is gonna look so cute with her 18k gold tiny earrings!!!

  12. I think its your child who's it hurting to have a whole in the ear.


    I got mine done when I was 5.

  13. I think there should be a strict age limit - sixteen, or fourteen at the very least. After all tattoos have an age limit of eighteen.

    Pierced ears in small children looks cheap and nasty and it can't be good for the child, what with risks of infection and injury.

    My ears have never been pierced and never will be and if my mother had had them done for me before I was old enough to say no, I would have been very angry with her when I was older.

  14. I think there should be an age limit of at least 10 or more. I think little girls with pierced ears look DISGUSTING! Paren'ts ...why on earth do you feel the need to do something so revolting to a small defenceless child?

  15. I did not know that it wasn't.

  16. Yes. In my eyes it is ok. The hole can close over very quickly if the child decides they don't want piercings.

  17. There should be an age limit of 12. Kids under that age are not responsible enough to care for them properly.

    I do not have pierced ears by my choice--and I would have been FURIOUS had someone made that decision for me.

  18. Of course not.  There's nothing wrong with pierced.  I got mine pierced when I was 7 and my neices got theirs when they were babies.

  19. Of course it should. But then, I disagree with getting an infant's ears pierced. My girls have both asked for it, so we had it done. The younger got an infection (hole was too small and air wasn't getting in), so her's came out and she never wanted them back. You can't even tell nowdays that her's were ever pierced. They are both happy (1 pierced, 1 unpierced). I'd not do it without their consent, but I know there are alot of cultures where the girls are pierced shortly after birth. To each his own!

  20. I asked my mom to let me get my ears pierced when I was 3, she let me and I loved it. I still remember her telling me to "twirl" my earrings and clean them every day like a big girl. I plan on allowing my daughter to get her ears pierced when she's ready for it. I don't see anything wrong with it.

  21. NO! I'm a 17-year old girl and I've never had my ears pierced. At one point I wanted it but my parents wouldn't let me because I wasn't old enough. But I've always been glad I didn't. I'd hate having my ears pierced and I think it's pure torture to put little kids through that.

  22. Yes.  Why not?


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