
Should it be made for the individual?

by Guest61322  |  earlier

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each human body is fundamentally the same but chemically its extremely different.

Why don't they make pills based individual person specially made for that person with whatever metal or physical problems? does it come down to cost and its easier to make a pill for the masses instead? with all theses cases of depression, they treat it like like its a easy problem 1 or 2 or 8 prescription "drugs" can solved but its ,more more complicated then that. because to truly cure or help a person with illness mental or physical it would have to be made to suit the person case and not all people share the same genetic problems or makeup. so there is failure in the medication for the masses, because it should be for the individual? but it cost to much in order to make a vaccine and a drug. Sometime there is a mistaken comparison and confusion between symptoms of what people may have. Example a,d,d and bipolar disorder have many major similarity, a mistaken case has been known to happen. if u gave someone who is a.d.d bipolar medication, is there a chance they could have ingesting the medication over months possibly the medication brought on the bipolar disorder. Dr. Freud prescribed coke in the early 20 century to people with depression i wonder if there is a possible chance that the emotional control medications of today are just as useless as the once of yesterday? AND That pills for the masses are a failure and it should be made for the individual, it would be healthier for the person right? is there technology that could help assist with make medication for the individual in the near future..imagine a at home pharmacy?




  1.       I can give you a simple but, straight answer, maybe, for some of these answers.

          One: Zolair, a highly but singularly individuality scoped drug for the asthmatic that nothing else will help. It is not welcome by the insurance companies due to the cost $2450.00 per dose and  this could mean  two doses per month or $4900.00 per month to keep from scratching.

          It would be near impossible to create a drug for the sole purpose for one individual reason unless it was to save a life. I know many people protest due to the drug companies making drugs to make money, I do also, It makes me wonder at times but, after I research then I find I'm the one to blame, some drugs cannot be made or they are so expensive it's impossible for even the drug companies with all they're expertise and money to be able to make them.


  2. I would like to see a chemist that makes prescriptions up to suit the individual but nowadays its just the Chemical Companies that sell the drugs to the Chemist ready made.We do get better service and more drugs available but I do agree with you that some medicines should be tailor made to suit the individual.Also remember that we in advanced countries have a lot more drugs available to us than in 3rd World countries so perhaps we should be happy with what we have got.

  3. Absolutely. I'm not bipolar, but I've been through a lot of c**p which my doctor related to post traumatic stress syndrome. I told my doctor that I still have occasional nightmares & panic attacks. He changed my meds & I felt worse. I called him to tell him that, & got his voice mail. His nurse called me back 3 days later & said to double it. Now, I'm not a doctor, I am a college grad, but if I feel worse on a med, why would I want to take twice as much?

    My dog's vet calls me back the same day!

    I quit taking all meds & I feel better! I'm not recommending that if you really need them. But, as you said, everyone is different & should be dealt with on an individual basis.

  4. The diagnosis of choice is the one that is most popular in society at the time. At this time it is Bi-Polar in the mental health field. This is possibly due to street drug use which frequently leaves a person with a manic-depressive disorder for many years after drug use stops or even for life. Coke was originally manufactured with cocaine which is where it got it's name. It was not useless, it was addicting at that time. When you get yourself into an addiction problem you have to get out of it the same way you got in and that goes for most other problems in life also.

    There is no vaccine for depression and it can be hereditary in some cases. Street drug use will also make medication fail.

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