
Should it be okay to give kids their own bathroom?

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My husband and I who are planning to buy a house, comes with 3 bedrooms 2 of which have their own bathroom. I have a 10 yr old that my husband has said she won't take the room with it's own bathroom until she learns to keep her room organized (It's fairly clean most of the time). In the mean time it would be the guest room. Is this right? Now at days some houses are built with bedrooms with their own bathroom. I see the point but I thought you should give your children some of the nice things too.




  1. My children have their own bathroom, but we dont have many guest visiting.. Now I do agree to have the bathroom be a guest room that way your guest will have privacy when they shower and wont have to walk through your home half dressed.

  2. i thank that it most cetainely is not right kids are messy i agree with your husband that she does need to be a little more organised but its just the fact kids are messy its an intenist i thank she should recieve the room with the bathroom she needs privacy and what is it hurting

  3. Maybe start her out with the room that does not have a bathroom and then see if she shows interest in it. She may not even care after she has moved in, if she does let her know what you expect from her and give her a realistic chance to earn it.

  4. When I was that age I had my own bathroom that was also the guest/"public" bathroom of the house.  That meant that I really had to learn to keep a clean and organized bathroom.  What's worse than strangers coming over and seeing what a nasty bathroom you have?  Now I'm 20 and tend to clean my boyfriend's bathroom for him because I can't stand to see a speck of dirt in there.

  5. Hi,

         I think you should give them to use their own bathroom,

         beacuse if you think that after giving them a personal Bathroom they will use that in a wrong way then that is all

    wrong,beacuse if they want to do some wrong work then

      they can do in your absence..........or by going somewhere else.It's better that you make learn your child good thing's&give them more education.

  6. There is no reason that a child needs to have their own bathroom. Keep the other room for guests so they don't have to traipse down the hallway to the bathroom. If financial things ever come up (Which in this economy, you can never tell) you could always rent it out also. If she can show she is responsible, then maybe on her 13th birthday, let her move into the other room. By makeing her keep the other bathroom clean (When you have company over) it shows she has respect.

  7. I say since she's 10 and female, her own bathroom is probably a good idea. Girls like privacy at that age - and in four years or so she'll start wearing makeup and such and she'll need her own bathroom space.

    My kids (6 and 4) have their own bathrooms. We had the locks taken off the doors though.

  8. why not? they have to answer nature calls

  9. Okay I am just curious... do you expect your ten year old to keep it clean like put the dirty clothes in a hamper and hang up her towels... or are you expecting her to keep the toliet and tub clean? I think it is a bit young to be cleaning the toliet... you should also think about in a few years she will be starting her period and all and the privacy she will want/need...

  10. It would be stupid not to let your daughter have that room, why not use it.  My daughter is 7 and has her own Bathroom.

  11. I agree with your husband. Make her earn her own bathroom. Responsibility.

  12. i had the same idea - i wasn't going to spend the time and money painting my daughter's room until she kept it clean.

    but she never did and i got sick of looking at the walls, so i sighed and went ahead and painted it.  i did it up beautifully, too:  a lace curtain canopied in front of the window to diffuse the intense sunlight, fluffy clouds that, if you concentrated, morphed into bunnies on the ceiling, and the wall colour, a lovely cool cornflower blue, carried over the ceiling to give the illusion of more height and more size in the itty-bitty room (9x6).  the trim and the door were painted in pale cream with blue flowers on the door and hidden at the back of the closet shelves.

    she came home, looked around stunned, burst into tears, and the room was immaculate from that day forward.

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