
Should it bother me that my husband is obsessed with clothes?

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I've been married for 15 years. My husband's lives to buy clothes. He buys style books and studies them. He searches on line constantly looking at sales. It's not a money thing, he only buys sale stuff. However, he has stacks of sale pants in weird colors and lots of bow ties that look silly. He is a good husband, always comes home on time and works just like I do. He plans his outfit for work the next day for 30 minutes every evening. I was hoping to relax a little when I got a little older, but with a primp happy husband like this it's impossible. He works in a conservative office where no one worries about their clothes or style. I just don't get it. He says he just enjoys it. What's going on? I wish he'd be a little bit sloppy. :)




  1. No, you shouldn't be bothered by his obsession with clothes. At least that's his obsession not drinking or gambling.

    With girls, its' normally shoes and clothes too. So I guess the same goes with your husband. You're so lucky to have a husband like him. He's responsible and I think caring too for your family.  

  2. I love gym clothe shopping..but tahts about it...thats for the chicks

  3. the answer is no and you should count yourself lucky it would get on my nerves I would have a garage sale or donate some to goodwill he comes home on time and he sounds like a good husband so you are one lucky lady

  4. Honestly? Don't take this the wrong way, but he may be metrosexual. That's not a bad thing though, he just likes to looks his best I would say. If you really have doubts, maybe get some counseling if it worries you that much.

  5. He may have had a very poor childhood or over conservative. Maybe he only wore hand downs. It might make him feel secure. I wouldn't worry at all. ANd think twice about the sloppy husband statement. I was married to one. YUK it was embarrassing at my family's get togethers and when we went anywhere. Your husband's clothing seems like a hobby and it sounds fairly harmless. Otherwise seems you got yourself a real nice guy. If that's the only drawback you are so blessed!

  6. lol. That's awesome. Good for him. It's simple psychology. For whatever reason he gained some interest for fashion, and the more he paid attention to it, the more his interest and fascination increased. Surely you must have got into the habit of some discipline or skill, and the more you learned and the more intricate your knowledge became, the more interested and more engaged you became about it. I wish i had that kind of engagement for something again. d**n

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