
Should it matter in your actions if global warming is real or not?

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When i hear people say that global warming isn't real i wonder why it would matter. The doubters seem to argue primarily that it is possible that there is no global warming and it is possilbe that if there is global warming, mankind is not the cause. Shouldn't you try to limit your consumption regardless of if it is causing global warming or it just might be causing global warming? What is the point of denying global warming? is the prospect of eating less meat, driving less, and maybe getting a high fuel economy car the next time you have to buy one so threatening to people?




  1. The prospect of the government making those decisions for us is threatening to us.

  2. omg global warming is totally real. I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE SAY IT'S NOT! I say do everything you can to prevent it, no matter if you believe that its real or not.

    thats jus my opinion, though...

  3. Because we would lose a precious and good resource...(Yes, I mean fossil fuels)

    Carbon isn't driving global warming. It's just driving global idiocy for the believers....

  4. Our science is not yet robust enough to deal with the problem by dealing with the effects.  Our only hope of avoiding extinction is to address the cause.  That's been pretty well understood for a hundred years or so.

  5. We live in a consumer culture.  The prospect of doing anything that reduces instant gratification is horrifying to some people.

  6. People have the misconception that taking action will cost money. It will actually cost little money, yet save a lot.

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