
Should it not be considered murder if you plan and kill your husband because of verbal abuse?

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Well, thanks to feminist Minister of Women Harriet Harman, you may be able to kill your husband in the UK and get away with murder if you say that he verbally abused you.

Meanwhile, this proposed law would remove provocation defense for men who catch their wives in bed with men. You can kill you husband for calling you a sow, but he can't do anything to you if he catches you in bed with your best friend.

BUT the law will allow provocation defense if you say you were being raped.

Feminism at work, folks!




  1. More feminist laws that discriminate against men.  Another example of how feminism and equality have nothing in common.

  2. It sickeningly reminds me of this:

    "...The sick, irrational men, those who attempt to defend themselves against their disgustingness, when they see SCUM barrelling down on them, will cling in terror to Big Mama with her Big Bouncy Boobies, but Boobies won't protect them against SCUM; Big Mama will be clinging to Big Daddy, who will be in the corner shitting in his forceful, dynamic pants. Men who are rational, however, won't kick or struggle or raise a distressing fuss, but will just sit back, relax, enjoy the show and ride the waves to their demise.

    - end -

    now how sick can that be and get this she was sexually abused as a child.

  3. I'm sure women will begin the slaughter en masse. (sigh)

  4. You definitely shouldn't be able to murder for verbal abuse.  You also shouldn't be able to murder for catching a spouse of either gender in bed with someone.  You should only be able to kill a rapist during the act in order to defend yourself.

  5. There are other ways of dealing with verbal abuse that are far better than murder.  And I believe that taking a life for that reason is still murder and should be considered a crime.

  6. In the United States women are allowed to kill their husbands for asking them to wear lingerie and heels.

    Refer to the Mary Winkler case.

  7. That's awful. That's not feminism. That's idiocy. Feminism is about giving women equal rights.  

  8. It is and would be murder.

    Under this feminist government we have in Britain, we are moving into an era of rogue law. (Same kind of thing is happening in India and Scandinavia.)

    Genuine law is being tossed aside.

  9. Yeah, that's stupid. Name calling is no reason to kill someone.

  10. This is why I'm proud to be an American... for now...

  11. Thank goodness I do not live in the UK, but killing is always wrong, no matter what.  We are where we are because we have not found a better way to solve our problems than to take a life.  

    E D I T - I wonder what the 83 women did?

  12. BAD feminisim you mean.  Good feminism made it so you don't have to work 70 hours a week and come home to your wife drunk because she hates being stuck at home with your 8 children under the age of 10.

  13. That is messed up.

  14. from your cited article:

    "Last year, 83 women and 27 men were killed by their partner or ex-partner."

    Thank goodness feminism is at work.... we're getting slaughtered out there...

  15. It's the "planning" that makes it 1st degree murder.  A "crime of passion" is one that is committed on a spur of the moment or if someone perceives herself to be in imminent danger and strikes in self defense.

  16. It is murder.  If you are continually demeaned by  the significant male in your life.  you can always leave.

  17. This does not look good for feminism, one of our regulars here suggested that female murders need mental hospitals instead of prison yesterday.

    Fascism under the guise of fair play and equality.

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