
Should it still look like this 5 weeks postpartum?

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I tore during childbirth and I am not even sure if I had stitches to be honest. When I looked in a mirror down there, my whole v****a from top to bottom was an additional 3 inches long and maybe an inch and a half wide. I can see the whole hole, and it is like I can see completely inside myself. I have tried calling the dr. and nurses haven't called me back. Did anyone else have this and is it normal to look like that down there?

I have had a few women say yes, but they told me to look back in a week because it was probably stretched but I have looked back and it is still just as noticeable as before.




  1. When do you go in for your check up?  I'd just call the appointment center and tell them you want to be seen by your doctor.  

    I didn't look like that 5 weeks after.  

    It will take some time to go back to normal.

    Good luck.

  2. i tore as well and had a few stitches -- i looked after four weeks and was traumatized I thought I was ruined. However by about 6 weeks (when I had the nerve to look again and I had kept up with the kegals) everything was pretty much back to normal (looked nothing like what it did at four weeks). I had my 6 week appt and the doc said everything looked normal! I attempted s*x at about 7 weeks and I was sooo tight we had to stop -- so yes, it will go back to normal, jsut give it some time to heal. Congrats on your new baby

  3. honey you just pushed out a baby. Of course things are going to look a little different. Do your kegals, I think they say you should be doing about 10 or 20 a day. Things may not look the same but ask your hubby if things feel the same. HE will tell you if they do or not. And it will probably be a little looser, but I have heard of some husbands enjoying it a little bit more. I know after three kids my husband has no problem and enjoys s*x just as much as he did before we had babies. It takes a while for your body to heal and go back. Don't expect it to get there at that magical 6 weeks.

  4. That's what mine was like 10 weeks later, it's normal, it will go back to how it's supposed to be.  

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