
Should john McCain have a through Neurological exam?

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McCain is two years older than his father was when he died suddenly of a heart attack at 70. He is 11 years older than his grandfather was when he died suddenly of a heart attack at age 61.

The United States cannot afford the risk that McCain would die suddenly in the middle of an international crisis.

Nor can we afford the risk of dementia. 22% of Americans over 70 are affected by mild cognitive impairment, while 13% of Americans over 65 have Alzheimer's. Ronald Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at age 83, but early signs were evident during his first term. Britain's "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher developed dementia at age 75.

McCain has never had an Alzheimer's test, even though he has 6 of the 10 warning signs , including his inability to remember recent facts like the number of homes he owns, the $1M lawsuit he filed in 1990, or the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.

John McCain owes America a thorough neurological examination for cognitive impairment and possible Alzheimer's long before Election Day.




  1. U know I could of sworn I saw a scar in Obama head.  It might of been the  haircut or maybe from a fight.

  2. You're absolutely right he should have one  and my reason for saying that has nothing to do with my party affiliation but rather simple reasons of biology.

    McCain like Reagan before him  is simply to old to be president .

    Republicans have got assume that whomever McCain picks as his VP will become president before McCain's first term is over either due to McCain actually dying or suffering a dehabilating illness that makes him unfit to be president.

    In today's world Cindy McCain would never get away with playing the Edith Wilson role for her husband



    The link provided by Mars Hill just proved your point :

    Only an individual with impaired mental abilities  or extreme naivete would do a rim to rim hike of the Grand Canyon in August.

    Update 2

    Mars Hill[and yes I do know where it is ] you are wrong

    There is traditionally a 25-30 degree temperature difference between the Rims  and the River >you do the math

    During the downhill hike 5 -6 of the worlds climate zones are traversed

    In addition if the hike is done solely   using the Kaibab trail system  there are many sections that offer no shade  and the long  hike from the Rio to the Cottonwood CG would feel like walking in an 100+degree oven

    Since I've hiked every Rim to River trail in the Canyon in both directions [ except the S.Bass which I've only done  downhill  }and the entire Tonto Trail w/the Escalante Rt>Beamer to the Confluence connection I do know what  I'm talking about

  3. that's rediculous. He has had a complete

    examination and made his test results public.

    My Mother lived to 95 and still had her right

    mind and could have been a president up until

    age 94. The reason he couldn't answer the

    number of houses was that most of their

    properties are in his wife's name but he wasn't

    sure if his name was on some of the deeds or

    not, and he knows he couldn't afford to make a

    mistake on the number or the press would have

    concentrated on that for weeks.

  4. He has passed al tests, tests were released, so do some research or next time we mock and laugh at you.

  5. Yes he should and he needs to make a full disclosure of his service record.  He wraps himself in his POW experience.  He needs to come clean about everything.  He needs to release his VA medical records especially those dealing with his PTSD.

  6. No he shouldn't. This way he is the perfect puppet for his commanders.

  7. At the age of 70, Winston Churchill defeated Hitler.

  8. You failed to mention that McCain hiked the Grand Canyon with his 96-year-old mother last year. That's quite a feat for someone so "old". There must also be some good genes running in the McCain family.


    mr danger, do you know what the average temperatures of the North and South Rims of the Grand Canyon are in August? The North Rim generally has highs in the 70s, while the South Rim generally reaches highs in the 80s. Pair those temperatures with moderate humidity, and you have an excellent climate for hiking.


    mr danger, I can’t question your experience, so I will have to assume then that a 95-year-old woman and a 70-year-old man challenged one of nature’s most grueling physical and mental tests, and won. Or maybe they simply eat often, stayed cool and hydrated, and avoided hiking during the hottest part of the day (you know, hiked intelligently). Either way, I still fail to see how any of this invalidates McCain’s mental and physical abilities to perform the duties of the President of the United States.

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