
Should khoder nasser be arrested for the debackle about sbw defecting from belmore to france?

by  |  earlier

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he is the manager of sbw and he should know that sbw has a contract to fulfill but did not stop sbw for signing for french rugby club.




  1. khoder nasser has no right to call mark geyer a dope and a dog.

    nasser is the manager of anthony mundine and was manager of sonny bill. anything to be proud of nasser? i dont think so.

    IT would be cool to see him get arrested

  2. Yes he should of had all of that sorted before sbw signed the contract to play league for another 5 yrs in Oz.Sbw must have his reasons.The way the media is hounding him its no wonder hes not talking.You can see by the look on the mans face that somethings not right.Anyway his manager cant be that good if this is what its come too.Just after the money  and publicity I think.

  3. Both should be buried in a DEEP DEEP hole.

  4. Maybe it's his former manager that should be held accountable for the current mess.

    Encouraging a star like SBW to sign a 5 year contract because a doctor said he may have a knee problem sounds like set up for a fee to me. If the knee problem was so great that the 5 year deal was needed to protect future income then why would the doggies be stupid enough to sign it

  5. Not only arrested, but paraded before the world at large - in disgrace then hung, drawn and quartered and his body's decaying stench left  to waft in the Belmore breeze for all to gloat over - for doing what he gets paid for.

  6. h**l no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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