
Should kids stay home or go to daycare?

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Should kids stay home or go to daycare?




  1. That depends on the whole situation.  If the family can survive with a single-earner, letting the other parent stay at home with the kids won't be an issue.

  2. That totally depends on so many factors, even if money isn't an issue.  You have to look at what each will realistically offer.  Some moms (or dads) are not built to be stay-at-homes, while others are naturals.  Some daycare providers are fabulous, while others are fabulous.  Look at the environment in each too.  Will there be enough (but not too much/too little) stimulation and interesting things there?  Is it safe?  Will your child(ren) get enough attention?  There's no one perfect answer.

    For me, financially, I must work and my daughter must go to daycare.  The only way we could afford for me to stay at home with my daughter is to give up health insurance and to live in our car.  However, it is good for me to work (adult interaction) and it is good for her too because we have an angel of a provider.  Our daycare is a safe environment and my daughter is learning a lot of good things in a nurturing place.

  3. I think most children are better off with their parents at any young age (including through elementary school), but every one is allowed raise their child the way they see best.

  4. The first three years of a child's life are detriment in their interaction with others throughout their entire lives. We've all heard someone say "oh, its because she's an only child" said as reasoning behind a child's, or teenagers behavior. The younger you can get your child interacting with other children the better.

    What I don't think should happen is your children be in daycare from 9-6 then go home and sleep straightaway. They also need familial contact.

  5. Depends what you need to do, and all opinions vary, but I personal think that if possible kids should be at home with their parents or a close relative.   Sessional care such as a pre-school setting is good for a few hours each day so that kids can play with others and learn social skills, but all-day care I wouldn't do.  I work in day care.

  6. If they are not in elementary school yet, then they do need some time with other kids.  This helps them learn how to interact with other kids, adults (other than their parents), and gives you (the parents) a break.

    If your kid is older (in elementary school), then maybe they could just go home after school (since they are getting that interaction at school to begin with).  But that will depend on the care that you can provide at the house (will they be home alone, for how long, etc).

  7. There's no right or wrong here. Some families need to have both parents working to survive, so kids go into daycare early. Some have a parent at home, so that isn't necessary.

    The question is also a matter of socialization. I can only speak from my own experience... But it wasn't necessary for my son to go to daycare because dad was home (he's disabled but able to do everything our son needed) so he didn't. BUT, when he was about three, we talked about putting him in a kindy for a couple of days a week so he could socialize with other kids (as an only, he didn't have a lot of exposure to others unless we had friends with kids). When I went to check out the place, I literally cried, because it looked like so much fun, and I had been depriving him of that. At the same time, I was reluctant to let him out of family care and into the hands of strangers and other kids whose influence might not have been as wholesome as ours!

    But we went ahead with it, and it was a great tool for helping socialize my child and make sure he understood a bit about how the outside world worked.

    So I was mixed but knew the right thing. And now, years later, he is well-adapted, friendly, outgoing, and confident. A lot of that comes from home, but I'm sure giving him the opportunity to mix with others was a help as well.

    Should parents shove kids in daycare because they can't be bothered looking after them? No way. No way!!

  8. There is no right or wrong answer! The answer is different for every family. For me, I think my children should be home with me. But that does not make me a better parent! For someone else, the right answer is they should go to daycare!

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