I think it should be. I'm not going to learn a different language for people who are coming into this country, where the national language is English; not Spanish, not Chinese, not Tagalog. Just English. People come here and they expect us to learn their language? It doesn't work that way. If immigrants want the great opportunities of this great nation, they need to work for it by coming here legally and knowing English. If they do that, great.
I'm sick of having to "Press '1' for English". I'm tired of reading signs that also have foreign translations. This wouldn't have happened in the 1950s and it shouldn't happen now.
And don't even get me started on television and radio broadcasts in foreign languages, primarily Spanish...
If we keep doing this, we lose our language. Once we lose our language, we lose our culture. Once we lose our culture, we lose our borders. What good is a country without borders, language, or culture?
Oh, one more thing. It's called a "foreign language" because it's a language not spoken here, in the United States of America.