
Should laser pointers be banned?

by  |  earlier

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In the news i re cently heard people shining laser pointers towards windows of the landing plane or low fly planes.It can blind pilots vison and someday there will big crash if laser poniters are not banned




  1. The pointers should not be banned,the people that use them wrong should be....

  2. h**l no!  A pilot can land, drive straight to the lasing dipshit, kill him--and it's justifiable homicide.  And that's FUN.

  3. Lasers need not cause permanent eye damage to put an aircraft in danger of a crash.  If the pilots are blinded by a laser even temporarily during a critical phase of flight, they may not be able to see outside the window and/or read instruments, and it may make it impossible for them to properly control the aircraft, thus leading to a potential crash.

    The solution is to aggressively investigate laser events directed at aircraft and put the perpetrators into prison for a very long time, so that troublemakers quickly learn that trying to blind pilots leads to a decade or two behind bars with no possibility of parole.

  4. I highly doubt a laser pointer can fully blind a pilot and cause a crash...get real.

  5. If I was to shine one in your eye you wouldnt go blind, why would I?

  6. When we start giving up everything that someone has misused, abused, or found some malevolent use for, we'd have little left. When we start giving up more freedoms for the sake of "security", we are then neither free nor secure. OK, I'll climb down off the soapbox now but you get the picture.

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