
Should liberal Dems be careful attacking Palin, lest they alienate teen mothers and parents of teen mothers?

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... and mothers of teens everywhere, for that matter?




  1. I don't think anyone should attack Palin because of a mistake her daughter made.  I also don't think they should glorify the situation either.  I don't think it is relevant when deciding our next President and Vice President.  What is relevant is who can do what for our country and move us in the direction we need to go in.  Mistakes your children make should not be an issue and in the end her daughter will have no say in decisions that effect our country.  I say let her alone to deal with her mistakes and choose who you feel is qualified..

    Obama 2008!!  

  2. Yes Obama has to be careful about telling his people to tear this woman down the same way he tore down Hillary. But as ralph nader said. I can't believe he's that stupid!

  3. They aren't attacking the girl - they are pointing out the ineffectiveness of abstinence only education. Pretty obvious.

  4. 70 percent of Blacks in America are born out of Wedlock.  There is a serious claim that Barack himself may have been born to a 17 year old mom out of wedlock, whether true or not it makes todays discussions more than ironic.

    A girl making a hard choice of saving her baby and a mom and dad sacrificing to keep it part of a loving family gets 50 gold stars in my book.  Where's the problem?

  5. Absolutely, the Democrats should be careful about (and probably should avoid) judging Palin's pregnant, unmarried teenage daughter, UNLESS  they focus on the truly relevant point: that Pain herself has strongly advocated for Abstinence Only education in the schools, which is in obvious conflict with reality.

  6. This is only about Palin, she could very well be our next President, if anything happened to McCain. Now, that is a possiblity.  

    We all know if the shoe were on the other foot and it was one of Obama daughters, the Republicans would be doing the same thing, and we all know this is true.

    Obama Rocks.  

  7. And brothers of teen mothers, and sisters of teen mothers, and friends of teen mothers.

    You're exactly right, Libs. could be sending more votes McCain's way.

  8. No. After bashing Palins daughter they then encourage teen pregnancy by keeping the stigma at bey by giving these girls welfare, foodstamps, subsidized housing and medicare. That makes it all better.

  9. No. Most parents of teens and teen mothers agree with science and with all reputible psychologists, doctors, and the AMA, that abstinence only education is NOT helpful in preventing teen pregnancies. Since Palin both endorses abstinence only education and taught it to her children in homeschool, and since she also does not believe in birth control, I would think that most mothers would disagree with her tactics.

  10. It is the hypocrisy of the situation and shows that the religious right does not live up to their moral compass that they often like to measure others by.

    Many people do not believe that having children out of wedlock or pre-martial s*x is a sin and immoral, only the religious right does.

    Teen-age pregnancy is an issue that most people are concerned about, but many people do not believe that having pre-marital s*x and a child out of wedlock is immoral.  

    The religious right used the Republican Party for the "Family Values" platform, but they are consistently not living up to their family values and the situation with Britsol exemplifies this.  At least Mr Palin didn't pull a Larry Craig.

  11. every time I read about Obama being respectable I want to

  12. No. Anyone who decides to vote for McCain because some people who happen to be Democrats attacked the Republican VP nominee is stupid. Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee, and he's been completely respectful thus far, so it shouldn't affect how people vote.

  13. Shouldn't Conservative Republicans be careful about alienating minorities? They have been for the past eight years and were tired of it.

  14. First, it isn't "democrats" who are pouncing on this, it is Obama supporters.

    Democrats and Obama supporters are two different things. Ask a PUMA.

    But, yes ,there will be a backlash. The Obama supporters who are all over the Palin story like white on rice are merely damaging their own candidate.

    They don't realize that yet. The polls will tell.  

  15. theyv'e already decided any woman that doesn't vote their way doesn't count and is "bitter". why should they start taking note of woman's rights now they rode all over hillarys, they'll clearly c**p on women whenever and however they get a chance.

  16. 2 of my 5 daughters are registered Democrats and they are absolutely appalled at the way Democrats are treating Palin and her daughter so theres 2 more votes for McCain.

  17. that is their forte, ignorant attacks. btw, they care less about women that is why the 18 million voters of HILLARY CLINTON were dissed by the Arabic-named Democrat candidate who instead picked the 5,000 votes Biden laden.  

  18. They SHOULD be careful...but they probably won't. They're shaking in their boots because Palin has more experience than Obama. So they have to find something to get the media all hyped up about to distract from that. Having Obama as president is a scary thought. He's way too inexperienced. Palin was a governor for a couple years & fought curroption, too. She is smart & a tough cookie. Obama was only a senator for a very short period of time. in this time when half the world is at war, we NEED a fighter. Enough with this 'change" and "hope" c**p. Obama has charisma, but that is it. We need a strong leader. GO McCain - Palin 08!

  19. No, not at all.

    This just proves our standpoint-that abstinence only education is ineffective.  I don't think teens have any business having s*x, but if they're going to do it, they need to be taught how to do it safely.  Not only to prevent unplanned pregnancies, but to prevent contracting STDs (another easily preventable problem in this country).  I know people who got pregnant in their late teens, and never thought poorly about them.  They all did right by their children, and made lives for themselves.  However, I also watched the struggles they had, and saw the toll it took on them, even with the love and support of their families.

    Furthermore, I think she sends the wrong message by forcing her daughter to marry this kid.  Do you really think they will be happy 3, 4, or 5 years from now?  Probably not.  Statistics on young marriage are not on their side.  While I absolutely believe he has a responsibility to help support her through the pregnancy, give her financial help, and be a Father, I do not believe that a marriage license is going to make things 'right'.  I do not condone teen pregnancy, but I do not bash it, either.  Keeping the baby was her choice, and that is fine by me.  But unhappy parents make for unhappy children, and I don't feel that rushing into marriage is the right decision at this time.  

  20. Their not attacking her because her unmarried daughter is pregnant, their attacking her because she is such a right wing bible thumper and her unmarried teenage daughter is preganant

  21. Yes.  What Sarah Palin is facing with her daughter is real and is what real people face everyday.  The more people attack her on this issue, the more they alienate real Americans of all walks of life, regardelss of their political party or affiliation.

  22. Mothers of teens dread for their children not to fulfill their potential but getting pregnant and raising a family before their opportunities are really made.  Bristol and her guy are lucky that the grandmother will have enough proximity to power to keep her (Bristol) comfortable rather than face the realities that a "regular" teen would if they were in the same situation.  I don't think that having a child while being a child is something to be admired.  I was raised in liberal times but I didn't get pregnant and have children until I was past high school, college and was able and responsible to be a good parent.  Now as a strong community member who is part of the PTA and other civic associations, I'm glad that I waited, and I see the fortune that my children have by my being able to afford their excellent education.

    I realize that many people will draw similarities between Palin's daughter and Obama's mother, but the difference are huge.  Obama's mother was a college student and his father in graduate school.  They were adults making adult decisions.  They realized the honest and truthful consequences of having s*x.  In their day birth control was also less realiable.   The Pill was not readily available until a few years after Obama's birth.

  23. Since when I got to know that she said in case her daughter were raped and became pregnant, she got her have the baby - I could not say a thing about her except for she has no brains.

    OBAMA '08.  

  24. Oh can the innocent act, sister.

    Politics is hardball. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, etc.

    As I recall, you cons gleefully did everything that you could to destroy a US president not all that long ago. You didn't quite get the job done, but you gave it all that you had and then some.

    Consider the compliment partially returned. Taking down a sleazy VP nominee is not nearly as good  as impeaching a sitting US president, but it will have to do - for now.

    We are almost, but not quite, even.


  25. Democrats should be careful in attacking Palin, primarily because Barack Obama himself said to leave private family issues out of the election! Barack called on his Democratic supporters to be mature and to stick to the issues at hand. He doesn't need to take the blame for all the mudslinging that's been going on.

    Personally, I do think it's a valid issue that Palin is pushing abstinence-only s*x education in the schools, when clearly it's not working in her own home. It's pretty funny, really. If her daughter had had access to birth control, she might not be pregnant right now.

    But if Democrats are going to attack Palin, they should stick to the Troopergate scandal and the fact that she has zero experience in foreign policy and zero experience at the national level. Because those ARE relevant issues.  

  26. Teen mothers don't support extremist.  Creationism in the schools? Anti abortion, even in cases of rape or incest?  No contraception except barrier methods?  Abstinence only education?

  27. Teen mothers and parents of teen mothers aren't exactly the voting type, so who cares?  

  28. Can you imagine the difference if this were Biden's son how much the Right Wing Extremists would be hollering for  blood. But one of their own gets preggers then is just so much "kids will be kids:.

  29. No Retreat No Surrender

    The Democrats have come of age.

  30. If a Teenager gets raped and wants to have the option of having an abortion, she should not support the Republican party in this years election.

  31. No, democrats do the most for teen mothers. They only reason Palin is being attacked is she has been so narrow minded about these issues as if they don't happen to people. This happened to her daughter & she just picked for a VP candidate when it happens to someone who doesn't have a mother who can help her & the person decides to have an abortion she wants that person to go to an ally butcher. Palin's daughter had a choice. She wants to take that away from others who don't have it as well off as her daughter. The dems are in support of teen mothers if you don't understand that dems are for the people that way you don't know much about democrats.

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