
Should lifers who kill someone in prison be put to death?

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Should lifers who kill someone in prison, because they think because they're in for life, will get away with it, get an ultra swift death penalty in order to rebuff the idea that there are no consequences for murder even being a lifer?




  1. I don't have a problem with that. I do have a problem with the concept of a "lifer" being given the opportunity to reoffend...perhaps if the death penalty was more consistently applied to these scum you wouldn't have to ask this answer.

  2. Most long term prisoners at some time or the other begin to hope for the day they might get parole. Thoughts of home,family , relatives ,reunions begin to torture him. For the Public carrying out a Death sentence, it is the most economical option.If Life meant Life for the prisoner ,I am sure he will be welcoming a death sentence if he had to be locked up in isolation. His request should be carried out .

  3. Yes, definetely. And for Susan also, look up the Lucasville riot in Ohio in 1992. Officer Vallandingham was brutally beaten to death, having his arms and legs smashed before throwing his dead body out of the block.

    Inmate Jason Robb was eventually tried and convicted of Officer Vallandingham's death. The state used taped conversations using directional microphones from tunnels underneath the cell blocks during the 11 days of the riot as primary evidence.

    So in response to your question, yes, although they are locked up for life, if they continue to kill, they should be put to death.

    I hope this helps and you can find it useful

  4. People sentenced to life without parole are among the least violent prisoners.  Before you look for a solution, find out if there is such a problem.

    Being locked up in isolation for 23 hours a day is already an available punishment.

    I haven't found any cases where someone sentenced to life without parole committed murder while in prison.  Perhaps the person who answered after me can cite at least one??

    I asked if there were any murders in prison by convicts serving life without parole.  Ohio started using life without parole in 1996, several years after the Lucasville horror. Haven't yet found a single case of a murder in prison committed by someone doing life without parole.

    Susan S

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