
Should marijuana be legalized?

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Should marijuana be legalized?




  1. Legalize it!

    Tax itI

    Regulate it!

    Take it OUTof the hands of the criminals!

  2. I think that marijuana should be legalized. Tobacco and alcohol are worse for you than weed. Though i no longer smoke it (i feel i am too mature and grown up to do it) i still understand why others do. Its a great stress reliever, it makes you feel good, and it makes you not have a care in the world. So yes, weed should be legal. If humans stopped being stupid and learned to do responsibly, it would be legal, however, we are ignorant! so don't count your blessings man.

  3. if alcohol and cigarettes are legal than why shouldnt weed

  4. The 60's are over, get over it.

  5. yes it should, there's many positive uses behind it, it feels good, alcohols worse,

    and **** anyone who says it shouldn't if they've never tried it

  6. I think it depends. Defiantly for medical purposes (and I think it may already be), maybe if used in moderation, but defiantly not in heavy doses because that would cause danger to other people who chose not to use it.

    I'm quite a liberal person, and I think that we should be allowed a lot of freedom for our decisions, as long as it doesn't negatively effect other people.

  7. No! Why are you even asking this?

  8. No.  

  9. Age old question at least asked 4 times a day.  Yes

  10. no.

  11. No!

  12. h**l NO...then this whole world would be going crazy

  13. No.  They'd tax it.  Much cheaper to frequent your friendly neighborhood pot dealer.  Plus it's not like it's hard to get as is.

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