
Should mark coleman still fight?

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since he got injured and had to withdrawal from his fight with brock lesnar ive been thinking is there any reason for him to fight still. i think the ufc is trying to build brock lesnar up and a win over a hall of famer would have done that but i dont think coleman should still compete since this fight will probably never happen what do you think




  1. I think as long as he wants to make a living at the game and is physically able to than why not?? Is he the beast he once was ?? No, but in an event like Elite XC, Adrenaline etc he would still be at the top of the food chain with his wrestling.  coleman is one of the greats and I think the key is "if he is healthy" because he has knee damage that randy has avoided.

    David K- Why would say that the UFC is throwing him chumps??  His first fight wa against a former Champ who took the belt by breaking his opponents arm in half, and now he is fighting Heath Herring who has some of the most exciting fights in MMA history, I just don't understand where you are coming from

  2. Yes, he still wants to fight, he has tons of experience, and he's about Randy Couture's age, why not?

  3. yes.

  4. Yep, you're right.  Coleman needs to retire.  UFC will use several chumps to build a record for Brock.  It's funny, I used to love MMA, but now it is so obvious that UFC is becoming more phony than WWE by the way it sets up fights just to create the illusion of great fighters and then hold a big pay per view to cash in.

  5. That is his decision. If he can walk into the cage with no fear in his eyes than by all means allow him to continue fighting. He has earned the right to decide for himself ether or not he can continue.

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