
Should marrige be for life ?

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Should marrige be for life ?




  1. it really depends some couples and work through there problems and issues while others cant are better off starting over with someone new  

  2. If not, then the couple should work it into their vows.  Instead of 'til death do us part, maybe they could say, "Until we get tired of putting up with each other."

  3. hopefully;...

    i'm desperate for help. and am getting dumb answers.

  4. It should be in this day and age its not

  5. yep, unless there is abuse of any kind

  6. Yah it SHOULD be. But I guess it is difficult to find someone so special who you want to be with forever. Also when the question is 'popped' it could come as shock and people may just say yes as they dont want to be hurtful and then it all ends up in a long nasty divorce.

  7. of course....

    in vows it says "till death do us part"

  8. Yes when you enter into marriage it is a promise to God to love the other person til death do you part.  

  9. It's suppose to be but many couples end up divorced. The divorce rate now is 50/50, no to good....And the rates gets worse if your in the second or third marriage, the percentage of high divorce rates are for those marriages.

  10. that's pretty much the idea.

  11. Yes, unless there is physical abuse.

  12. That is the general consensus. However if the marriage is not working out and you are not happy and seeking other members of the opposite s*x for satisfaction, then why stay in the marriage.

    If a person is sentenced to life in prison it usually means twenty years.

    If your marriage is good after twenty years then you have had a good life sentence.

    However if it is stale then it is time to get another life.

    I am just trying to add another viewpoint.

    "The lack of social acceptance for open marriage deals with the generally negative attitudes toward open marriage in Western societies, the reasons for those negative attitudes, and the consequences of those negative attitudes for couples in open marriages.

    Surveys show large majorities of people disapprove of extramarital sexual activity. A few studies show people specifically disapprove of open marriages. Critics have put forward moral, medical, and psychological objections to open marriages. The lack of social acceptance places pressure on couples to hide their open marriages from family, friends, and colleagues. This may limit their social support network, resulting in a loss of psychological and physical health benefits."

    Good luck in all of this

  13. Ideally yes. Especially where children are involved > differences can be worked out.

  14. of course! marriage shows a TRUE comitment for TWO people who love eachother and will never hurt eachother.

    of course, there is such thing as mistakes. many people rush marriage and divorce eachother later (its really sad to see) especially if there is abuse in the matter.

    If you were to marry someone and he/she died, then i would never stop you from marrying someone else. I wouldnt want you to live a lonely life, u no??

    Other than that, marriage is meant to be for LIFE.

  15. YES it should well the bible says till death do us part

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