
Should mdma (ecstasy) be legalized?

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Ok, I know I am going to get some "are you crazy" responses, but hear me out. Pre-1985 there were "0" deaths from legal ecstasy. "0". Post 1985, the DEA comes in forces the manufacturing process underground. In order to keep up with demand, ruthless dealers then cut it with whatever drugs are easily accessible. Addictive, and deadly drugs like Coke, heroin, meth, dxm you name it's now been found in what kids think is ecstasy. Now we have kids who are actually dying. No rehab. No little experimentation phase. But peoples kids actually dying. Ok. These are lives that could be here right now as you are reading this. We now have have dealers ripping people off. We have predators who slip unknowing women ghb, and tell them it's x, then taking them back and rape them. Seriously, how is this situation better than when it was legal? I recently asked this question but never got any real feedback, so I am asking again in a different category.




  1. Absolutely not.  People don't die from X, but they just tend to lose their big deal.  After about 50 uses the emotional center is literally fried out...permanently.  Sounds safe to me.  

  2. Check out LEAP, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition:

    "There is increasing debate in scientific circles about the validity of the research behind government claims about the dangers of ecstasy.  

    By overdramatizing its hazards, the critics say, antidrug campaigners may be achieving the opposite of what they seek.  Like the crusaders against alcohol and marijuana before them, the anti-ecstasy forces may be persuading a generation of already skeptical youths that adults are more interested in scaring kids than informing them.  

    The government's campaign is based on research that is "seriously, seriously flawed," says Charles Grob, a professor of psychiatry at UCLA and a leading ecstasy researcher."

    There are risks with escstasy or any any other drug, but scare tactics aren't the answer. Remember "Reefer Madness"? Unfortunarely, scare tactics sell newspapers and fuel TV news.

    Ecstasy: What the Evidence Shows:

    "A more honest approach, the critics argue, would be to cite the known hazards without sensationalizing the unproven. The drug, they say, can cause kidney damage, dehydration, high blood pressure, elevated heart rate, and increases in body temperature that can, on rare occasions, be fatal. And, though ecstasy is not physically addicting, it can create psychological dependence. Scientists also agree that research shows ecstasy as damaging to serotonin neurons in rat brains. But an honest campaign, critics note, would stop short of saying that ecstasy causes long-term brain damage in humans." "

    But honestly, I don't see it happening. The system can't even deal with medical marijuana rationally.

  3. You guys on drugs are really sick.  In no way would dugs become legal.  Just try to get off them and lead a normal life.  Otherwise, you'll be dead in less than ten years.  

  4. MDMA shouldn't be legalized for a number of reason.

    1) The deaths which have occurred from MDMA have occurred as a result of 3 major sources:

         A) Dehydration/over heating/and over exertion while the person is under the effect of the drug.

         B) Taking MDMA pills that were improperly made.

         C) Suicide after the person comes down from the MDMA high and has almost no endorphins left in their system.  

    Legalization would not address points A or B.

    2) Prescription drugs are not designed for recreational use.

    3) MDMA has been proven to kill brain tissue after a number of uses (generally agreed to be 5-10 uses).  The brain damage is irreparable and highly problematic because people suffer different results with dramatically different results.

    4) From a public policy perspective there is no reason to do it!  The drug is addictive, damages people's brains, and can cause death.  The drug doesn't provide any measurable benefit from a medical perspective and it's negative effects outweigh it's recreational benefits.  

  5. Chris's answer is wrong on so many levels. I would very much like to see where he got his "information".

    Of course it should be legalized. MDMA is one of the safest drugs out there, AND it can be used to cure multiple emotional diseases, that currently have no treatment.

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