
Should men and women be treated "Equally"? Does this not present problems?As treating women equally can also.?

by Guest63170  |  earlier

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Mean treating them unfairly.




  1. Men and women are not equal and should not be treated as such.Men don't have babies and women can't lift anything heavier than a purse.

  2. Yes, all people should be treated the same irrespective of gender. This does, of course, mean potentially treating both men and women harshly. You don't make things easier just because someone is a man, so why should you do so just because someone is a woman.

    In any case, you should treat everyone fairly.

  3. Yes, equally but different. Without making a sweeping generalisation, it has been my experience that the thought proceses of men and women are different. A man arrives at a conclusion via logic, whereas a woman relies more on intutition. And, to the surprise of us mere males, is just as often  proved right!.

  4. It's a fact - that there are somethings men are better at than women and the other way around. However, when someone says both genders should be treated equally - they refer to specific situations where the gender is not the case. For example, education.  

  5. ...nice will concede to a limit...YES...

  6. Equality amongst mankind toward the creation of an egalitarian world society is the aim of great visionaries, is only fashioned when all men are actually equal. To accord so called equality to all irrespective of qualification, substance or character is to create disorder and do a disservice to those gentle souls who strive for personal perfection in a world unwilling to recognise the existence of the same.

    When all mankind evolve spiritually or submit to the Supreme will of the commandments of the Creator equality will no longer be an issue as peace is a great equaliser in itself.

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