
Should men be allowed to place a child for adoption without a mothers consent?

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If mother can do it to fathers, then what stops a father from thaking a newborn and placing him/her for aboption, because he don't think she'll be the "Best mother on Earth"?

Obviously I'm being sarcastic, but it's just as rediculous to do it to men (like my own father).




  1. Of course not. The adoption should be with the consent of both parents.

  2. When a mom puts up her baby for adoption it is in certain specific circumstances. It is never the happiest moment in her life. It is more or less accepting defeat. Especially when she is unable to give a name to the child, bring up the child in society because she gave birth to the child out of wedlock and the father is absconding or not responsible etc. Sometimes both parents decide that they are unable to take care of the child and are therefore giving it in adoption which is very rare.

    In rare circumstances when the mother gives up her custody of the child and the father is not in a position to take care of the child then he too can give up the child in adoption.

    I had one case of a father wanting to place the child in adoption and that was because he had debts and had already sold one kidney and not being able to still  make ends meet, wanted to place the child in adoption thinking it would get him money.

    We did have our misgivings and after a homestudy found the mother was not even aware of this intention and returned the child to the mother.

    Such is the world..

  3. You can only place a child up for adoption without fathers consent if 1) you claim not to know who it is 2) he gives up his parental rights.

  4. because we all know that men have to go through pregnancy and labor... NO fathers dont have the right to put a child up for adoption. If my hubby put my baby up for adoption i would cut his nuts off!!! thats my baby!!! if he dont want him fine but i do.

  5. FYI - You can't really place a child up for adoption without the father's consent.  If you pretend that you don't know who he is, then you can.

  6. Why not birth mother's think they have all the right to put the child up for adoption with out the father's even  knowen  all they have to say is they don't know who the father is, which unless they are a true tramp they know. I sound bitter yes I am. My son has been fighting for almost 3 years for his son put up for adoption by the birth mother to her knew boyfriends family in 3 states away. My son was lucky that a freind of her finally told him her plan and where his daughter which is 4 was ( she had kept this child hid so he wouldn't find out she was careing his second child. With the help of LDS family services they carried this plan out for right now he has visitaion with his son. The adoption agency postpone the courts until they used best interest. He did file everything on time so that couldn't be used against him.

       I call it stealing and kidnapping which it is and this is going to contuine until laws change. If you want to see misjustice just look under yahoo search shawn mcdonald lds and you will see his story. He isn't going to stop fighting it's now waiting for the texas appeal court to hear his case.

       Just think of the child can you even think how this child is going to feel when he will be told why he was taking away from is natural father and his sister. If this happened to a nautral mother i bet laws would change fast. PS. look on the dr phil show today and you will see another father fighting to get his child returned. Good question

  7. That wouldn’t be as easy since the mother gives birth to the child and generally the mother is the primary caretaker if she is unwed.  A mother can also say she doesn’t know who the father is which is true you don’t always know who the father is or you need a dna test. But in most cases the mother is always known. Unless the father wanted to kidnap the baby out of the nursery.

    Both biological parents should consent.

  8. well, he could take it to a safe haven....

  9. I like this question. You are absolutely right. If a man could do it to a woman, my guess is women would start thinking twice before being so cruel.

  10. or if you can't locate the bio father you can place the child for adoption. Warning to guys to keep in touch if they get someone pg

  11. There are many people who feel that a father has no rights when it comes to pregnancy, decisions about the pregnancy, childbirth and decisions about parenting, which include adoption.  

    Until women get pregnant by immaculate conception, I believe that men do, and should, have voices, opinions and rights on these subjects.

  12. In the state I live in the only way a Mother can give a child up without the Father's consent is if she claims she doesn't know who the father is.  

    Otherwise the Birthfather has to also terminate his rights.

  13. Yeah, it's about as ludicrous as the double standard that allows a woman to abort a child without the father's consent.

    If a father causes a miscarriage, it's murder, if the mother goes to a "doctor" for an abortion, it's just her "choice"

  14. That is not legal for mother to do that to fathers and fathers can not do that to mothers.  I you feel she is not a good mother and you are a crappy enough dad that you want to send your child off with some strangers, then you have to fight for custody and then give your child away.

  15. No parent should be able to place a child for adoption without the other parent's consent.

  16. Of course not!   Both parents should be able to make such a critical decision together.  This will affect ALL of their lives, and the life of their child most of all.

  17. A man cannot place a child for adoption without the mother's consent, but neither can a woman.  If the father is known then he has to consent too.  Unfortunately what sometimes happens is that the woman either doesn't know who the father is or pretends she doesn't know because she doesn't want him involved.  This is unfair but what can you do?  Naturally it would be impossible for a man to say 'this is my child but I don't know who the mother is.'

    HOWEVER...a man can go to social services if he believes the mother of his child is an unfit mother.  This is happening more and more these days and some men do get custody.

  18. No! But then the mother shouldn't be able to make such a huge decision without the father approving too.

  19. No men can't do that this is one of those she can but you can't things. even when the father is named we are screwed because of the courts. birth fathers have no rights and if you do they will delay till it is emotionally impairing to the child if you remove them from the aps. if we as fathers don't fight from the start (preferably before birth) we have no rights and even then it's sketchy as to whether or not they will be upheld.

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