
Should men be castrated,to control population in countries like china ?

by  |  earlier

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most of the male animals we "use" (e.g., pigs) are necessarily castrated.....what do u girls say ?




  1. There are many other birth controls....

  2. Sure, lets start with you! Of course not!

  3. China is the country that perfected the vasectomy. Castration is not necessary.  

  4. Yes, china is one of the most disgustingly overpopulated countries on the planet. They put female children up for adoption so that they can continue to have children until they are male.

    Chop all there balls off at birth and they wouldnt have these problems.

  5. wow. that's a really interesting idea. i don't like it, but hey! there are probably loads of people who disagree with me.

    I reckon the Chinese government would probably be interested but i disagree with the whole "one child" thing that they have going on.

  6. Wow... it hurts me just thinking of that being done to my baby batter maker. :( Anyways, I think we need to inoculated men and women and institute certified breeding. That would stop people from having kids they cannot take care of as well as it would definitely be a planned pregnancy.

  7. Well since they had Eunuchs in China centuries ago that used to have the lot chopped off this would definitely be a backward step not to mention painful. I think there are less drastic and painful methods!

  8. no women should be culled!

    go and be a feminist to your mother, im sure it will be good for the both of you!

  9. The Chinese do control their population - one child per couple.

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