
Should men be entitled to more then one wife?

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That way he will always be satified and women are so grown up (lazy) these days that it would take a lot of the tension out of a one to one relationship and therefore people woundn't get divorced as much and children will be much happier as a result.

You know it makes sense one women to go out and work and feel all liberated and stuff and one normal women.




  1. One is enough for me.  More ? ? ?  Why ? ? ?  Who would want all that trouble???

  2. "shura doesn't work that way males are too competitive!"

    Clearly you have never been to high school and seen the girls there brawl over the same boy. Girls compete just as much if not more for the attention of men.

    I honestly couldn't care less if a man has two wives or a woman has two husbands. As long as they're consenting adults then it's not my business.

    "Think before you answer would be a bonus."

    You actually took the time to think before posting this question? I find that hard to believe. Your answer clearly speaks of someone who rarely thinks before posting.

  3. No she would just get used to it and once it becomes normal gettin up in the morning stresses her out.

    How much more pampered than in the EU or USA can a woman get ?

  4. Polygamy is actually part of cults so don't do it because it will be so confusing having 20 kids as a result of getting several women pregnant at the same time.

  5. I really don't know what all the hoopla is about polygamous relationships. What exactly are the negatives? Anybody?

  6. OK, Untamed Rose spanked your lame a$s so nicely with that comment.

  7. Only if women are entitled to more than one husband.


    And what makes you think women would actually accept being the 2nd or 3rd wife?

    "doesn't work that way males are too competitive"

    You'd be surprised. I know a couple guys who wouldn't mind being boyfriend #2 (I'm not into that though).

    Anyways in case you didn't notice I was just being sarcastic. I don't think polygamy would be a good idea for men OR women.

  8. Actually it does go the way of nature.  Nature's cue to this is that one man can keep many women pregnant and a woman can usually only carry one man's child at a time.  That's just how it works.

    Imagine all of the upsides of such a union.  

    -You'd have the housework divided by many people.  More than two incomes if needed.  

    -And it'd be easier to have at least one person home with the children at all times.  Less stress and more fun.

    -Built in female support for each other within the same house when one of them needs to 'vent' or some such.

    -There'd be no question as to where the children go in a divorce since the larger part the family would be keeping them.  Unless they were extremely messed up (abusive, druggies, ect...).

    Not only that, but with women complaining about "Where are all the real/good/whatever men?"  Well, you wouldn't have to search so hard since it would take less good men to match up with the women.  Especially if the guy is super rich.  Everyone gets to live a good life and enjoy each other...  down side of that?

    If each person is cool with it, I see no reason why not.

    I wouldn't say entitled, though.

  9. uhh, learn how to spell. You're making men sound dumb. And wtf is "one women to go out and work and feel all liberated and stuff and one normal women" supposed to mean? Women won't agree to polygamy, end of story. And you sound incredibly immature to be talking about this, go to school or something.

  10. if he can listen to all of them equally...  he can afford to have more than one

  11. It all makes sense in a way if I put myself in your shoes, but what is this mans plan of action for when the women start getting jealous of each other and start comparing how he treats them etc and make his life h**l? I will never marry but I somehow think that this situation is worser than living with a single wife.

  12. HAHAHA Untamed Rose, I LOVE that answer!

  13. I'm of the mind that marriage should be between one man and one woman.  

    Polygamy has often sprung up in states where many men have died in war due to the excess of women who needed stability, but I'm not sure this should be accepted in America or any civilized culture.

  14. Entitled? With an attitude like that, you'd be lucky to get more than one date.

  15. so instead of just one sexually dissatisfied want two?

  16. Men aren't entitled to any wife, never mind more than one.  It is a privilege.

  17. I'm content with the one I have, but for others? I couldn't care less.

    Although "entitled" is poorly used. If one guy can afford multiple wives, and they are all happy, good for them. But noone's entitled to $hit.

  18. No.  Women invariably have a lower status in polygamous societies.  I am against it.  Besides, if men are going to have two wives that would lead to a shortage of women for the leftover men.  And what is going to happen to them?

  19. You will then, have to kill quite a few men.

  20. Sure, they can have that if they want their jaws busted or if they don't mind their wives having other husbands OR L*****n lovers on the side!! ♀♀

    ...Men should not be "entitled to" more than one wife, nor is there any basis for them to be.

  21. You can have two wives if I can have two husbands.

    Also, enjoy your extra flowers, dinners out, spontaneous gifts, extra PMS, extra drama, night where they're all horny and pissed because you have to wait an hour between pleasuring them.

    Oh, didn't think of that, did you? Oh, and enjoy your extra kids to support, too. Will your income support five of them? Because each wife will probably want their own, and some of them, two. If you neglect them or make them feel unwanted, two wives will leave you just as fast as one. It's harder to make two women feel loved than one, and don't you DARE play favorites. If you give one woman so much as ONE rose more than the other, well, you'd rather be with her, and better off without me, so I'll just be going, and by the way, here's my alimony statement, and I'll want child support, too.

  22. If all of the wives agree to it and are 18 or older, yes.

  23. Men aren't ENTITLED to ANY number of wives.

    If you can't persuade a woman to marry you (since you apparently hate women, who could blame them), then single you shall be, and single die. (And single men die younger than married men -- so you've got that going for you.)

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