
Should men bother to empathize with the issues of women, what they have gone/going through?

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Is it any of our concern?

Quote - "It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere."

I think we should learn to give help and support only to men, and leave them to do and say what they want

this should be right across ALL walks of life!




  1. Doesn't it really depend on the women?? If you love a women wouldn't you wanna do what ever it took to help and support her? The best partnership is that of a man and women, each needs the other to survive and journey through life. Sometimes it takes the patience of the opposite s*x to get you back on track after you trip over one of those really hard life experiences. Men help women, and women help men. Its the one bond that can't really ever be broken!

  2. I think we should work together as a team.Men and Women have been doing that for years.

  3. It's up to each person really with whether or not they wish to care about another persons problems.

    It doesn't have to be your concern or anyone Else's and there's no obligation for anyone to do anything.

    There will be others though who do care and not only about their own gender but the opposite s*x too.  That can't be stopped.  It's not about caring for people based on their gender anyway, more so caring for people just as they are.

  4. Their issues and agenda should not be any of our concern

    Men should concern ourselves with our own agenda

    Those days are over

    It’s a new day

    NEVER put yourself out to do a single thing to help any woman in any way

    ALWAYS help a man if HE needs it

  5. I agree with MoneyOrder. It is a two-way street. While men and women are independently thought to offer certain stereotypical 'something', the best product will come from a couple that has a firm understanding of the word 'compromise'.

    An insecure couple who has mastered the ability to compromise will be sure to prevail in the game of life. As far as offering sympathy and empathizing with one another, it's important to be supportive and helpful with your advice and/or empathy. There are some things guys go thru that girls will not understand and vice versa. It doesn't mean the opposite sexes shouldn't empathize with one anothers problems, rather try and put themselves in the opposite's shoes and have a good understanding for what his happening.

    Whether it should be your concern or not depends on the issue and how involved you want to be. If you love this person, the concern should always be a priority.

  6. Thanks for your opinion.

  7. The more infantile soneone is, the less they empathize with others.

  8. Men and women should understand, support, and empathize with each other. We're all in this together.

  9. As a 46 year old male, i would like to contribute the following opinion. Times have changed. The stronger "s*x" now is female.  Partners of their own choosing, jobs (if a career takes preference over an easy life of having a child and state support) pay equally. The modern women therefor has total control. Women today are  stronger and more selective than males. In answer to your question, why then does empathy  arise? It can only be through mens stupidity.

  10. If you want to remain alone/lonely then don't bother with women or even with male friends, don't bother with anyone at all.

    I care much about my boyfriend and he cares for me as well, and i believe this is the right way, if you don't think this way, i am sure you still didn't find the right woman, one special that you feel concern about her and she will also take care of you in return.And i don't agree with that quote, we can find happyness yes, but we must be open to look outside of ourselves, not be selfish and make an effort to find happyness.We should do to others what we want for ourselves.All the best in life!

  11. Where women like sheila are concerned - no theres nothing to empathise with or care about. Men think with a lot more than 'thier little heads', but seemingly since she thinks that is all we think with - she now wants us to use it in our considerations of her ..... hypocritical.

    @mystery - yup. Not worth trying to work with people that dont want to give a pea in a pot for 2 way.

  12. Should Americans bother with the issues starving people in third world countries face? Should atheists bother about religious opression inflicted on others? To me those would be big YESes. I care about humans accross the globe regardless of labels and distinctions. People should care about each other - we are all interdependent.  

  13. If you were my son I would boop you on the head, lol.  Of course you should "bother" and women should "bother" too.  Caring about each other's concern is how we are going to get through this world.

    I WANT to know how others feel about things and get their perspective, but only if I know they do care about the problems I face, but not if I am just going to get some bull based on bias and dislike of women.

  14. You can't really empathize with people whose experiences are totally different from your own.  You can sympathize with them however.  Sympathy requires more imagination than empathy, since you have to feel for someone who is going through something entirely different from you.

    Whether you sympathize with any specifically female issues or problems is up to you.  Sympathy is an emotion, and it's not something you can really decide to feel, you either feel it or you don't.

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