
Should minors rights be servely limited???

by  |  earlier

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I have to debate that no, minors rights should not be limited any help??? PLEASE!

"The debate topic is CON servely limiting the rights of minors...

A.K.A. i am arguring that they should not limit the rights (or have a parent decide rights for them) of teens under the age of 18."




  1. The transition from young-adulthood to adulthood is becoming increasingly shorter and more shocking. Often times, after coming from being coddled in high school and from the government people turn eighteen and find themselves completely lost, unsure of how to truly take care of themselves.

    If we want to give people such a short transition between the two drastically different periods in their lives, we should teach them how to properly man the waters of adulthood and since this country effectively doesn't, as of now, we should widen that gap up by lifting some of the laws that usually serve no purpose and merely help to shock eighteen-twenty one year olds into an even more detrimental thought process of skimping out on responsibility.


    So, I don't really believe this but...that's all I have.

    What I mean by skimping out on responsibility is basically all of the laws in place that protect those under eighteen from being tried as adults.

    Another example is not being able to legally enter into a contract with someone under the age of eighteen.

  2. Just because you are not yet an adult, doesn't mean you do not have the ability to think for yourself.

    Every person under the age of 18 has their own train of thoughts and personalities.

  3. think about this: if minors rights are not limited shouldn't they also carry the responsabilities that adults do as well.  for example, being convicted of crimes.  If a 12 year old doesn't have a curfew anymore, and no longer needs a parents permission to do things and that minor steals a car and crashes into a building, how can they be held accountable?  they're 12.

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