
Should minors who commit serious crimes like murder, rape and armed robbery have their names published?

by  |  earlier

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I used to grow up in an area when the classes were quite mixed and it didn't seem to matter where the kids came from, they were either good kids or criminal inclined. Now as an adult I can't help but laugh when some of these poor innocent kids are committing such extreme crimes like group beatings or killings, their names are never released and the public has to deal them whenever they get out.

I can appreciate the troubled youth of our times, but there are horrid kids that never change and their behaviours can influence the safety of our society.

Am I wrong to question how is it we can almost find out what pedophile is moving into our neighbourhood, but we are not allowed to find out the boy or girl who kills another kid or was killing the neighbourhood pets and is most likely still living there?

I am merely asking if their names should be published not if they should be tried as an adult.




  1. yes maybe it would help deter them.

  2. yes i do think so cause you cant do the time don't do the crime

  3. I think it's best for the minor to have their names published when they are adults. Who knows what possible pyschological affects minors could have with other people refusing to be friends with them. Or parents not allowing their children to be friends with the "criminal". It could get to a teenager since a lot of there adolecent time has to deal with making friends/popularity. I think knowing enough what the kid is capable of doing like killing a pet is enough. It's enough for the teen to have people look at him with disgust and facing the time for their crime. They don't need there names posted up everywhere/anywhere. I think they are just too young to handle it. Who knows, some might even kill themselves because they can't handle it.

  4. As far as I know, they can be published if the youth is tried as an adult, or even before this determination is made.  A 14 year old in Oxnard, CA murdered a classmate in full view of 24 other students, and his name was published soon after this.  Brandon McInerny.  The crime was clearly premeditated, and he is to be tried as an adult, though he was barely 14 years and 3 weeks old when he did it.

    In some cases, though, even if the crime is serious, the youth may not have been mature enough to appreciate the nature of the wrong, or there may be other factors making the youth less culpable or more capable of rehabilitation.  So I think that whether to publish a youthful offender's should be decided on a case-by-case basis.

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