
Should mobile phones be baned in public places??

by Guest58691  |  earlier

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plzzzzz give me some points aginst it n some points for it!!




  1. Why would you ban mobile phones there is no fors at all!! totally stupid thing to suggest!

  2. No they shouldnt be banned, however thats not to say that people dont need to learn some manners. When sitting in a resturant and the table next to you is blabbing away on the phone, they should go outside to have the conversation.

    I can see no reasonable argument for banning mobile's in public places

  3. why should they be banned there are soooo many reasons to have cell phones in public areas. i dont understand your point

  4. no - there might be an emergency

    yes - noisy (if not on silent)

  5. Correct me if i'm wrong, but mobile phones were made for public places.. right? If you mean places like Library's and School's then i still think no, they should not be banned. They were made for the sole purpose of taking of taking out to talk with friends or use in case of emergancy.

  6. trying to ban mobile phones in public places is like telling people they can't talk ina public place

  7. umm i dont see why u need to be on the phone every min of your life it is down right dum

  8. It's a public place for crying out loud.

  9. If there was an emergency it would be good to be able to use it.

    It does not cause any health related risks to other people

    Just no.

    Points for:

    People get jealous

  10. Yes in certain places.I can not understand people who can not do anything without talking to some one else while they do it.Its not banning free speech it would be banning your non right to disrupt everyone else while you talk away.I think its common couresty and cell phone users have none.

  11. Yes, I think they should be banned in certain areas.  Not all public places.  Resturants, Libraries, stores, office waiting areas, etc...,

    For some reason people have a tendency to raise their voices when on a cell phone or more so especially on those blue tooth headsets.  When you are trying to enjoy a nice dinner, having a person the next table over chatting loudly into their headset or phone is disturbing.  

    Now, at a park (playground), walking along a street.  Say in Chicago, there are many public areas where one can chat on a phone without being disruptive to others.  That is fine.

  12. No -  as person above stated, essential in an emergency.

          - Who are they affecting? If you're bothered, move away.

          - It would be another example of being ruled by a nanny state.

    Yes - Noisy idiots talking loudly disrupts others

           - Can interfere with some equipment (although is there much in public places?)

           - We have payphones all over the place.

    That's all I can think of, hope this helps :)

  13. Cell phones in public places can be essential. If you have an emergency you need them to call authorities.

  14. no, what if there was an emergency and someone needed to contact you?

  15. oh man.....

    PRO's to banning cellular devices

    1. many find that its disrespectful and are affended by it.

    2. its a huge distraction when comunicating

    3. people become oblivious to whats happening around them and put their own and others lives in danger.

    (i once knew a girl who was walking accross a busy street with her little brother while texting, didnt stop or look for traffic, walked right into the middle of the road and killed her.)

    4. people use them irresponsibly, creating many dangers

    5. disruption to important information.

    CON's for banning cellular devices

    1. emergancy contact

    2. some people's only form or communication

    3. not all people are irresponsable with them

    4. parents need to know where there children and teens are at all times.

    5. planing time to spend time with friends and family will be minnimized.

    im sorry its still early and im not quite thinking all the way lol

    but thats what i could come up with good luck :0 )

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