
Should more articles be written like this in the States?

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  1. there are plenty of blogs in the US as well so no.

    its just opinions backed up by zero facts.

  2. I don't think that you'll have any trouble finding articles like this one in America. The “deniers” have changed their tune as the science becomes more and more conclusive and indisputable.

    Through the years the rhetoric has evolved:

    1. Global warming isn’t happening.

    2. The Earth is getting warmer, but humans don’t have anything to do with this.

    3. OK, anthropogenic (man-made) climate change is occurring, but there is nothing that we can do about it.

    4. Why should we do anything at all; global warming will be beneficial (at least for the real estate market in Greenland).

    There will no doubt be winners and loser when it comes to global warming. The question is what, if anything should be done to assist the losers?

  3. Gorebal Warming!!! Barry you're killing me...I'm laughing so d**n hard I forgot the question!

  4. Oh No , You mean there are two scientific schools of thought on Gorebal Warming ? Imagine that ? Unlike the liberal word "is" having two "is" meanings , evidently "Gorebal Warming" isn`t subject to that same standard rule as there is only one meaning/ explanation that they will accept or consider to be true ; THEIRS` ?

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