
Should more land be left in its natural condition or developed for building houses?

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plz explain with 2 reasons




  1. That would depend on who the land owner is.

    If it is privet land, they have the right to do as they please.  Its that simple

    If it is public land then its a matter of debate.

    No Gov. has the right or should have the right to take land that was bought and paid for by the individual without their consent nor should they have the right to tell them how they can or can not use that land.

  2. i feel that more land be left in its natural conditions for the following reasons

    1.) depending upon the natural conditions, if the land is sort of forest with a lot of trees, shrubs etc. then it is really wise enough to let it be as it is. this is because plants absorb CO2 from atmosphere and reduce the pollution and of course the green house effect also called global warming.

    -there by we will be able to lead a healthier life apart from conserving many species of plants and animal kingdom eduction in numbers of which may lead to ecological imbalance.

    2.) if the land is barren, probably there is a chance of growing something that shall help us. when farmers sometimes burn forests to use the land for cultivation, they may have to leave the land unused after burning down the trees. this is to provide time for the land to recover some of its lost nutrients necessary for the crops' growth. moreover such a land cannot be used for cultivation for a long time as it would have gone down in its nutrient supply and will prove very much expensive in using artificial fertilizers.

    such lands are left alone where it takes years for the plants to grow up. instead the trees can be chopped down which proves to be better alternative than burning them down though this may be expensive as compared to the latter.

    3.) using the land for development purposes will enhance the pollution in the environment which may cause many climatic changes. these changes are mostly undesirable and mostly turn out to be calamities.

    whatever land is there naturally can be preserved. in case there is a stretch of unusable land that is land that cannot be used for anything at all and is available naturally, that land can be used for development provided it does not create a major impact on wildlife, climatic conditions and other factors as a whole on the environment. otherwise its not so advisable.

  3. Forest fires, wild fires, land slides, floods, tornadoes. My answer is no

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