
Should move back to Panama?

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I was raised in the United States but born in Panama. All of my family is there and I miss it sooo much...I want to move back after college but everyone thinks Im out of my mind,everyone is concerned about my career and the money I will be making,etc. I just think I will be happier there...does that make me crazy?




  1. Many of my Panamanian friends who have once lived else where have returned to Panama.  Being born in the US and chosing Panama as my home I understand what they miss.

    It is one opinion that the US has more to offer than Panama.  I on the other hand do not agree.  Yes, the wages are higher, but so are the groceries, utilities, housing, medical, schools, etc.  

    More opportunities?.... Well try to book a flight to Panama and take a look at the availability or the price.  You'll soon discover that Panama is a hot spot.  

    What about the expansion of the Tocumen Intl Airport, the canal, the cruise port, the mega port.  What about all the high rise building going up and the people that will populate them.  

    Per square mile (sq meter, jaja) there is currently more opportunity here than in the US.  Coming back AFTER college is not crazy.  Come and bring your US skill and make a market for yourself giving US style service and you will own the town.  Try this in the US, the paper work will choke you and the taxes will be prohibitive.

    Yes, if you are very wise and wait you will eventually save a nest egg that will go further in Panama than the US.  But the stress and the wear and tear you will have from life will not be pleasant.

    My vote is follow your heart, but make a good plan.

    For other information about Panama see

  2. I say go where you will be happy.  Life is short!

    The economy is rapidly changing in Panama and if you are college educated and a Panamanian citizen or have the right to work in Panama, then you will have many opportunities to do well.

    Good luck!

    From an American married to a Panamanian.

  3. You're not crazy.  I went to high school and college in the states, and then I decided to come back and study law in Panama.  I don't regret it one bit.

    However it would be wise to sit down, mediate, and seriously think about what you really want to do.  Yes there are a lot of opportunities in Panama right now, and yes there are also a lot of opportunities in the US as well.  The good part is that it seems that you're a US resident or citizen, so you can always go back if it doesn't work out in the end.

    I do believe that money can't buy happiness, so if you believe that you would be happier in Panama then go ahead.  Keep that train of thought and positive things will happen in your life.

  4. I would do some jub hunting in US companies established in Panama.  ÃƒÂ‚¿Do you speak spanish? That would be a plus.  If you are lucky, you'll have US benefits while you are where your heart wants to be.  

    Good Luck!!

  5. No I don’t think you’re crazy at all.  I’m in your same position, I was born in colombia but came to the USA when I was 3.  My parents and all my family have since moved back.  The only family I have here are my uncle, his wife and son.  I’ve been thinking that after I get my degree and get some experience in my field I would like to apply it in colombia.

    I would suggest that before you move to panama to get some experience in the field that you are in.  The USA isn’t the only country in the world to make a living, but having american experience would be a plus anywhere.  Get your experience, save up your money and after maybe 2 years if you still want to move then do your thing. If it doesn’t work out, I assume that you can always come back right?  I”m sure your friends are an important part of your life, but there is no sense in putting your life on hold for them.

    Good luck to you.

  6. No, it doesn't make you crazy, but it does show that others care for you . Clearly, Crystal Clearly, the USA has far more opportunities and far higher wages and standards of living .

    But those things may not be important to you right now . So whichever one you choose, you may later decide to switch your decision !!

    One suggestion. .  . . Maybe you stay in the USA, build some savings and wealth, visit Panama when you can each year. . . . . and then go back home with a far better chance of having some financial stability !!

  7. You need to find a job here that sends you there, and that would kill two birds with one stone. Or you can work here for a while, save all the money you can, and establish a business there.

  8. To move or not to move, that is the question ;-). Your friends say you are crazy because they don't know better.

    Truly, Panama may be a so called 3rd world country but there you can enjoy life provided you have a reasonable job. Sure there is chaos but the weather is warm and so are the people (except when they are in cars).

    Panama is a hotspot, and the highlands is being rated top in the retirement list as well. But as a young person you want to be in the capital (or have a business somewhere else).

    Lots of big projects, construction everywhere but you must buy soon because prices are skyrocketing.

    I am Panamanian, I left Panama when I was 21 and have lived some 22 years abroad (5 in the US and 17 in Europe). I go home every two years and I miss it.

    I want to go back but with the assurance of a reasonable job but I think it is feasible. Like others said, in other countries (US or European countries) you can earn much more but hey, you also pay a LOT of taxes (43% of my salary is gone to the monarchy) and when I compare my situation with that of my classmates in Panama, their hard earned $ stretch much more there even with a "lesser" salary.

    I believe you should make an exploratory trip to Panama if you can afford it, a few months if possible (just spent 4+ months there) and see whether it is something for you.

    Then again it is also about career, some careers are better developed abroad, I have done so (but not a hot shot either) so I can go back kind of "realized" as a professional. That you should consider as well, but then keep in mind that in Panama once you reach 35 y.o. you are considered as good as an old horse (yes sad, sad, sad).

  9. I find myself feeling the same as you all the time.The truth is that career wise,you are better off here in the USA.My mother in law works at this home-improvement store and only makes 60usd a week.My husband who has a good job in Panama standards,only makes 400usd a month.In the meanwhile prices are rising,but the salaries stay the same.The only jobs that pay fairly well are teaching jobs and call-center(Dell) jobs.I was born here and raised both here and Panama.I love Panama to death but I wouldn't go to live there unless I was independantly wealthy(yeah right) or retired.

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