
Should multi-dads and multi-mums be forcibly gelded and spayed ?

by  |  earlier

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Think on how many dregs of society we have today, how they will reproduce, earn minimal income (if any)- which is barely taxable and burden those who actually pull a finger out and put nose to the grind.

I suggest we pressure government- especially Labour- to cease and desist its' Lumpenprole expansion program by enforcing compulsory sterilisation to multi-dads and multi-mums.

The cost of the gelding/spaying such Neds and brood mares would be far less than the NHS costs of birth, complications at birth, infant welfare, child welfare payments, school subsidies etc- in other words a stitch in time that saves nine (troglodytes).

Quite frankly- it is not the business nor responsibility of taxpayers, society and government to bail out those who have poor control or lifestyle choices.

Sob stories of heartless Hubby (de facto in reality) left me- obviously the companion choice was sorely lacking to begin with. What form of utter idiot brings a child into an unstable relationship anyway?




  1. Its all gone too far, the free love hippies of the sixties have a lot to answer for.

  2. Thats almost funny! Some parts i have no idea if your serious or not?

    But one huge flaw, whats wrong with minimal wage earners? Okay, there tax input is minimal, but it is a tax input and i certianly wouldnt mind supporting someone who wants to work rather than support someone who doesnt, whatever the wage they will earn.

    Clearly something needs to be done about the break down of family values and any idea, however funny/wierd could be considered

  3. Yes - and their offspring too (Birth control implants until they can prove that they can afford to bring up their little scrotes)

  4. Are talking about animals or humans here. If were talking about humans your one sick puppy.

  5. Hitler would be proud....And I hope all the jackasses here in America that are begging socialized medicine read your third paragraph.

  6. Wow. your pretty sad

  7. A tongue-in-cheek question that actually has some valid points. Regrettably I don't think any Government would go for forced gelding or spaying. We do need some sort of restriction on Chavs breeding though before we're overrun with Chardonnays and Brooklyns.

  8. Yes and start with this lot:

    Maybe we should just put contraceptives in their Buckfast and Stella . . .

    We have one child and both work for very low wages, claim nothing but a little Tax Credit and we can barely afford to live.  I'm sick of seeing people ripping off the system like this, especially as some of these people are incapable of bringing the kids up properly (witness my area after dark . . . if you dare) . . .

  9. Violating the reproductive integrity of another person cannot be justified. You cannot do evil, even if some good results from it.

  10. Wearing a baseball cap should result in automatic castration?  Mmmmmmm.......

    A tad on the harsh side I would say.

  11. Penalised in terms of state benefits, maybe.

    Given the snip against their will... um... no. Selfishly an individual might think that but morally and in terms of society it's not a valid proposal.

  12. I completely agree with you. It would be a great idea for those folks that can't seem to control themselves what so ever. I know of quite a few people that have multiple kids with multiple partners.  I am sick and tired of having to pay for their lack of self control and their poor work ethics.  I see way to many welfare recipiants driving nicer cars than I do. I work 40 hours a week with a decent wage and I still cannot afford to drive a nice car or buy name brand foods.

    Not only for those reason but because the conditons the children are forced to live in and the kind of adult situations they are probably around. The least the government could do is put a cap on the number of children  a parent already on welfare has.  Something needs to be, it is getting way out of control.

  13. Now you're just rambling. Boring!

  14. if you do a little more research, you'll find out that women are forcibly spayed all the time. even in america.

  15. I totally agree with everything you say ;-)

  16. i could not! agree with you more. how many times have you  listened to some one say, as a single mum i chose to have my Baby......WELL!!! as a tax payer its a pity you didn't have the decency to ask me how i felt about financing your decision. the trouble is! as far as the kids go, you take one look at some of the cheeky little sods and your heart melts. I guess in conclusion i have to say that I've seen my money spent on worst things.

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