
Should my 18 year old son who is in college be able to have his friend sleep over on weekdays?

by Guest67168  |  earlier

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my son who is 18 and going to college would like his friend to sleep over on weekdays. we already have three kids and our house is not that big. we both get up early to go to work and he and his friend do not go to bed early. they watch tv and play video games. i am a light sleeper and earplugs are not always the answer. it is not for one day sometimes it is two or three nights, taking a bath each day, and even washing his clothes. there is also the food part. I am not stingy but we are already a family of 5 so you can imagine. i am okay with one day on the weekend sometimes but it seems a bit much to me especially on the weekday. What do you think?




  1. Just tell him maybe once in a while is ok but not every weekend. I know some parents that tell their kids to just spend the night at their friends instead of at their house.  

  2. I think you would be right and fair to your family, in curtailing his visits.

  3. um yes

  4. i say no, I also say if he can spend your money he could spemd his and get his own apt where he can have his friends spend the night

  5. talk to your son and tell him that its not the best thing for your family and that you would appreciate if he limited himself to once a week...explain to him your situation and show him you care..but its not what makes you happy

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