
Should my address be on a police statement?

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Should my address be on a police statement?




  1. If you have to ask..YES!

  2. If you're involved as a victim, witness or suspect in a case, your full name and address will be part of the report.

  3. no your adress is never used on a police statement for witness protection some states its agaisnt the law.. if they do put ur adress on the witness statment and u get shot or killed well then ur family has a case against the state... it basically gives people a way to commit a crime which is intimidating a witness

  4. it depends on what report you are making or one that was made about you. Typically yes though...

  5. I think that a phone number will be just fine especially if you are just a witness

  6. I know that there are a lot of people that are paranoid about the police having too much information (I see it daily here in this group).  Most of the time, this information is stored in a database and isn't used for anything.  Sometimes information obtained today may not be needed until a year or two later.

    I can think of many good reasons why the police need this information.

    *Warrant service


    *Follow-up investigations

    I agree that sometimes there may be a valid reasons (other than general paranoia) to leave an address off of a police report.

    *Subject staying at a domestic violence shelter

    *Subject has a stalking order protecting them

    For those paranoia types out there, if someone wants your address bad enough there are many other resources available to obtain it.  With the new street view features on some of these online maps, a person can even see what the front of your house looks like....

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