
Should my ankles be sore after running?

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I started running a month ago. I run both on the road and on grass, I have proper running shoes but a lot of the time after running my ankles are really sore, It gets better after a while, but should it be happening?. I run about 2 miles everyday on concrete and 7 or 8 once a week on grass.




  1. Yes you are running to much. 3 times a week to start. 4 at a push and rest inbetween. Correct shoes are the key.

  2. This could be a number of things. 

    1. You're probably running too far too fast.  Back off a bit and gradually increase your mileage as your ankles build strength.

    2. Running on trails is low impact but is harder on the ankles because of the uneven terrain..  Your foot will try to conform to the terrain of the trail and this puts stress on the foot and ankles.  Build up mileage slowly and you may want to consider trail running shoes.

    3. New shoes will also cause problems.  Make sure you have a good pair of running shoes from a professional shoe store that fit you properly.  Break them in slowly.

    For now, stretch properly, do strengthing excersises for your ankles and ice them down to reduce inflimation.

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