
Should my bf go to his ex's work though i'm not comfortable with it!!!?

by  |  earlier

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There is alot of history of my boyfriend and i running into his ex... We have been dating for over 3 years, they dated for a year before us.. Though they that was so long ago his mother still constantly communicate with her and gives her tabs on my bf... and i think she does the same.. My boyfriend never talks to her and is over her but i just don't like the situation. Its his friends 21st and he wanted to go to this bar that my bf's ex works at. I asked my bf to go to any other bar (even a strip club) I just didn't feel comfortable with him goin there.. and if he respects me he wouldn't want to go right? WEll we got into this huge fight about it and he was calling me controlling and that all of that should be over with.. yet the whole time we been together we have had encounters! am i wrong to be mad? He threw a big fit about this but when he called his friend to ask if they could go elsewhere his friend was cool with it and he stopped being pissed. p.s. i live with him...




  1. its understandable why you wouldn't want him to go, but you SHOULD let him go.  He's not going there jsut to see him. Why don't you go with him to it.

  2. You should let him go after all he is with you not with her.

  3. All i know is the more you control things the safer you are.

    You can be controlling without being so obvious.

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