
Should my boyfriend be rubbing on me in front of his friend or is that a lack of respect?

by Guest63379  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and I are both 20 yrs. old and we've been together since Feb. Today he brought his friend over and he was kissing on and hugging me and even grabbed my breast. He did all of this while his guy friend was right there. He told me he loved me etc.

Should I be happy that he behaves this way or is this a lack of respect?




  1. I think that's pretty distasteful and any man who respects the woman he's with would keep those things in the privacy of yourselves.  He sounds like a 14 year old trying to show off to his friends.

  2. Personally I would say it is a lack of respect. Is he trying to prove something to his friend??

  3. It all depends on you. If you don't have a problem with it, then it's no big deal. But if it makes you feel uncomfortable in any way, then you should tell your boyfriend immediately, and he should respect your feelings.

  4. hes just showing you off to his friend

  5. I would take the kissing and cuddling and him telling you that he loves you as a really good thing. Most guys aren't comfortable about doing that in front of their friends. This means he's really comfortable with you and doesn't care what his friends think. Now the boob grab was probably out of line. He was probably just showin off for his buddy but you should probably let him know that it wasn't cool. Say you're glad he was comfortable being affectionate in front of his friend but that certain things are for behind closed doors.

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