
Should my boyfriend floss his teeth infront of my mom?

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He was in the car with me and my mom was in the back seat. He started flossing his teeth in the mirror.




  1. No - he is an ill-bred person without any manners or consideration for others

  2. No. He should have waited till he can go to a place where he can do it privately.  It is not really a matter of Life and death.  This shows his bad upbringing.  How did your mother take it ?

  3. I don't think it really matters. I wouldn't get offended.  

  4. Ah, not cool!  That happened to my mom though.  She was in a restaurant with a friend and this person was in her late 40's and she's flossing her teeth at the table.  Talk about losing your appetite.  Yah, should be done in private.

  5. How great he is so conscientious....but, unless it was just a quick spot that was causing him some distress, no,

    He should not floss his whole mouth in front of mom....

    Only just one spot to remove a single spot.

    and should apologize and say, " I'm so sorry to do this but this spot is driving me crazy!"

  6. Flossing, like most personal grooming, should be done in private.

  7. Personal dental hygiene is a good thing; however, it is usually done in private.  Certainly boyfriend should know this.

  8. No.  While I commend his interest in his dental hygiene, it's rude and disrespectful to do that in front of other people.  

  9. i agree with kaya.

    not that its inpolite to floss infront of other people, but its a personal thing.

  10. Uhmm... I do think that it's a little bit weird, but if you guys are really close, then I guess it doesn't really matter. Since you had to ask this question, you probably also think it's a little bit strange. If it bothers you, then he shouldn't.  

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