
Should my cat vibarate so much that it sounds like its going to blow up?

by  |  earlier

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basically i found an abandoned kitten, thought to be about 11 weeks. i do know the previous owner. and i know the cat was mistreated, its very skinny, and it was out in the rain for 3 nights while the owner went camping, it was crying and scratching at my mates door, so he took her/him in, and phoned me and i came and got the little thing.....and now the cat will come up to me and stuff and cuddle in, but it vibirates nearly all the time to the point it feels like its going to explode.

anyone know why????is there something wrong????




  1. This is purring that you may be hearing, the cat is so happy to finally feel wanted and loved, also being out in the rain so much it may have a slight cold that is making the purr sound more rattley and louder than usual.

  2. He's Purring.

    'Means he's very happy.

    It was very very nice of you to take him in like that :D

    But take him to a vet to see if he's sick or anything :]

  3. Vibrating?  You mean when it purrs?  Or is it actually shaking like there is something wrong with it, like it make be cold or in pain?  You may need to take him in to the vet if it's something that seems abnormal.

  4. if the cat is purring loudly a lot he mite have an upper respiratory infection. When i first got my kitten she was purring alot too and playing i just thought she was really happy, then i took her to the vet and found out she had an upper respiratory infection. And since your cat was out in the rain for so long it just increases the chances of having the infection, so i advice to take the cat to a good vet because you never know.

    hope that helped :)

  5. She's purring because she's now incredibly happy, she's indoors, warm and being looked after.  One of mine purrs so much it's like having a mini motorbike on your lap.   If you gently feel under her chin, you will feel where the 'purr' is coming from - don't prod though, oh, she'll probably love to be gently tickled there too.

    Cats also purr to reassure themselves if they are frightened, bizarre!

  6. Poor little thing is probably purring like crazy, and maybe shaking a little as it gets used to you. As long as it's not looking like it's in pain, you're good.

    Just means Kitty's glad to be where he/she is, that's all.

  7. It's called purring.

    They do it when happy.

    It is currently a very happy cat.

  8. the cat is probably purring but anyway you should get this cat to the vet today to get checked out and vaccinated and make an appointment to get spayed/neutered

  9. No, kitty won't explode. He/she's purring which is a sign of contentment. It's ok for this kitty to purr. He/she's happy to have such a nice home and owner.

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