
Should my child be able to read letters at the age of 4?

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My daughter turned 4 on jan 2 of this yr, and i have her in a preschool for a year now and since she has been in the school she has had 6 new teachers and my daughter is becoming unintersested in the learning. The teacher told me that my child does not reconize letters but she knows her ABC, can count up to 40 and can say the numbers in spanish to 10.. What i am asking is should she be able to read them right now???




  1. why do you want that your child can read and write at the age of four???

    in germany you learn read and write your name with four but other things you learn at the age of six or seven.... it´s normally that you don´t can read letters with four and you don´t can tough on spainish....

    i hope that you let her time and don´t put her under pressure......

    best wiches a german social worker

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