
Should my child really be suspended?

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My child had to do a presentation on diversity to his 4th grade class. He was given the topic of g**s and lesbos. Our family is very religious and he expressed his (our) view that homosexuality is very wrong and is condemned over and over and over in the Bible and he told the story of Soddom and Gemorrah. He ended up getting in trouble as the teacher felt this was divisive and "hate speech". Who was right? Our children have morals!




  1. Yes..he should be..if this was a real story.

  2. I agree with answer one. He should of researched the topic of g**s and lesbians not given his opinion. The children in his class are learning from his presentation so he needed to presesent facts and statistics found on the internet.

    I dont know if he should of gotten suspended because its the parents fault of him having this view you taught it to him you need to let him have his own view of ppl.

  3. i think he should of did the report and been done with it. every one has their opinions and thats great, but we dont always agree with things we have to do.  

  4. Its fine that your children have morals, but he was asked to do a project that was objective, not subjective

    His views are more than likely your views that were presented to him as a form of truth & fact which isnt very nice Give him the opportunity to make up his own mind about how he feels about different types of people Maybe the project couldve been a good opportunity for the both of you to learn something

  5. Yes, he should have been suspended. And he's going to have a h**l of a time functioning in the real world because there are g*y people everywhere. You've brainwashed him to hate people based on their sexual orientation, which isn't even any of his business. But I doubt this question is even real because it's 2008 and most of you people are extinct by now...

  6. I'm curious as to what age your child is. I really don't think that he shoud be suspended. That's plain ridiculous. What he is learning comes from his parents and it's easier to misunderstand the task at hand. The only thing he was taught is that homosexuality is wrong and ofcourse that's what he is going to do a project on. The teacher should have taken him aside and explain to him that's is not what he or she was looking for.

  7. I don't think at the age of 9 or ten he should have had to do a presentation of something that is way over his head. That subject takes years to understand and that tender of an age it isn't possible for him to understand.

    Does he know what happens between a man and a women during s*x? If so how do you explain butt s*x to a little boy?? Not trying to be grafic or rude. But if it were my child there is no way he would be doing a presentation on such an adult subject.

    And no he doesn't have any views on the subject, mom and dad do and he is just repeating what he is told or hears. No he shouldn't be suspended for this, be he also shouldn't have had to do the subject. Maybe on bugs. Diversity is a very big mature topic. This is another case of the world making our kids grow up way too fast. They should be doing reports on bugs and the solar system. Not on diversity. That is for high school. At nine years old they don't have "morals".

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