
Should my dad have reacted this way just because I forgot to mow the lawn at the time i told him?

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Okay so it was 6:24 and my dad asked me when i'd mow the lawn. I said 6:30. So i came to sit at the computer and i forgot about the whole thing so he comes at 6:54 and says,

"Didn't you say you'd mow the lawn at 6:30?" I say,

"Oh yeah. Sorry about that.

"It seems like I can't keep you to your words anymore. I can't trust you because you say one thing but you never execute it. Do you want me to not trust you?"

Then he goes outside and im pissed so i sit at the comp again. Then he comes back.

"Well aren't you gonna come? You said 6:30 and now you're not coming?"

"Why are you overreacting so much? I forgot okay?"

"No you didn't forget. You don't pay attention. No, you don't respect me. You don't give me any respect. Are you coming or not?"

"No i'm not coming."

"Thank you very much."

Then he leaves. What the h**l? Is that an appropriate reaction? I mean cmon, i was looking at jokes on the comp and i forget and he's all pissed?




  1.   It sounds to me like your dad is a lot easier going than my dad was.

  2. look i know that you forgot but is it the first time. your dad might of over reacted a bit but when you answered back and acted like you didnt care and didnt respect him it got him even more mad. you should of said "i am sorry and i will do it right now." instead of saying no and answeriing back

  3. I think that he was overreacting. and he should have said something nicer like are you going to mow the lawn soon? or something like that...

  4. Well forgetting is one thing.

    But your dad feels disrespected. and if this has happened more than once then i can see where he cant really trust you to ask you to do anything. but you should stay on top of things from now on and show your dad that you do care and he should trust you more,because you can handle responsibility. trust me i have learned form experience. good luck.

  5. Well, you did say 6:30. Apologize to him once more with meaning, and next time try to keep your word.

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