
Should my daughter go to school where I teach?

by Guest62470  |  earlier

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I work as a teacher and was given tenure this year, so my job is pretty secure. My daughter is now 1 year away from enrolling in Kindergarten. I have battled with myself if it would be better for her to attend school where I teach or not.

I want her to have a "normal" experience with school and she would only attend my school from K-8th grade. However, I would teach her from K-8th grade for 25 minutes a day as I teach a "special" subject at the school. There are also many obvious benefits (having the same schedule daily and for days off, special events, being close in case she gets sick or hurt, etc.)

Unfortunately, we live just across the district line and we would have to move for her to attend my school as out of district tution is about $8000 a year.

What are your thoughts? Perhaps you can give me some perspective of which I have not yet considered. I swing from one side to the other right now.




  1. What is to battle?  When I was in the 4th grade one of the students in my class was the teacher's son.  There was no problem.  He got homework just like the rest of us.  He had to do his assignments just like the rest of us.  I say leave things as they are.  Yes there will be kids who will resent her but kids are always envious of other kids.  Kids resent kids from wealthier families, from no sibling families, from large families, etc.

  2. It may help to inspire them to do the best that they can.  I would have to say go for it !

  3. i think it would be a good experience for both of you share the same school she is a little girl and doesn't know any better so it wouldn't be odd for her....just give her space and treat her as all others while at school...

    but if the tuition fee is to stress full you might consider her going to the school she belongs too...

    either way she will get a great education...cuz your her mom and a teacher so she has a great advantage

  4. I am also a teacher, and I have had my children in class.  It can be fine.  Being able to see them during the day and easily check on their progress in school is great.  They probably try a little harder since they know you know how they are doing.  They think twice about getting into trouble.

  5. I don't see why not. quite a few of my daughter's friends had a mom working in the same school. Really didn't make a difference. MY sister worked at the high school her kids went to and when she got a job at a college all 3 of kids went to that college too.

    do you teach art or music? I don't think having her in your class briefly in the  day will matter. She'll get the hang of mom at home and mom at work.

  6. it's more convenient for you to do that and the way gas prices are now day's ...go for it.

    Just remember that later on , if a student does not like you as a teacher,it's very possible that your child will hear it through the grape vine so prepare her for the negative remarks

  7. In my experience, no.  As much as you would wish to nurture your child in every aspect of her life, we all need 'room to grow' and develop in a normal environment.  Teaching at the same school your child attends would be anything but, normal.  This would only foreshadow a lot of grief for both of you. Besides, part of building my relationship with my child as she began to grow, independently of me was asking  her how her how her day went, every day after school. She had so much to tell me, thus establishing  friendship and trust  and trust in the Lord to take care of her when she is away from you.

  8. My mother worked in my school. It didn't really affect me one way or another. Since we lived in the district, I just went to school there.

    She would be just fine going to the district you live in. It won't harm her to be away from you. If you don't live in the district you teach in, I wouldn't be concerned about her going to a different district.

    Once she gets older, she might not be very happy having her mom teach in her school (that whole teenage thing).

    I wouldn't be concerned about moving just to keep your daughter in your district.

  9. I'm not sure. I think it is totally fine for about kindergarten through second grade, but after that she may start to get teased or be embaressed by you. If your child is independent, I would say yes, but if s/he is not, she should be seperated from you to learn how to do things away from you.

  10. It is much easier to have a small child going up and down with you. Same timings and all.

    But, and a big but, a child's growth is disturbed.

    School is a place where a child needs freedom for everything and not monitored by parents.

    Also, classmates and her teachers will not be objective.

    They will not treat her as they treat other children. Both positive and negative treatment.

    Had many such cases in school.

  11. My children will attend the same school that I teach at for grades 7-12. I think it would be better for her to stay at the school you teach at, unless you find it awkward having her in your class for so long. I don't think it is that bad. Just try not to treat her any differently than the other students. Don't call her honey or always pick on her or make her don't things that you wouldn't let any other student do. Don't give her any special privileges, she is your student, not your daughter.

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