
Should my fence installer pay to have my sprinkler system fixed?

by  |  earlier

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I had a fence put in and the installer placed it right on top of my sprinkler system. I got a quote to have it fixed but the fence man does not want to pay what can I do? Is he responsible for repairs?




  1. You need to read everything you signed. Asses exactly how it was damaged, remember if you told him it was even there. Anytime someone digs in the earth, 1800-dig-rite, should be called, this is to assess that there aren't any gas lines, computer fiber optics etc. running under ground. If he did not do this, you may have a case. Also he should have been provided along with asking about a blue print to your sprinkler system. Basically you need to take lots of pictures and contact a lawyer asap. try to look up history on his company. He should have insurance as well.  

  2. He should have insurance - He should pay if he broke it!

  3. Did you mark the sprinkler places before the installation? Because he might use this as his defence otherwise he really shouldn't have done that. One more thing, I am pretty sure he has to contact the local gov and utility companies about gas, electric and other utility lines before so I guess he should have also asked you about this, too. Try to talk to them reasonably, and if your have enough confidence you can try to take him to court. Good luck.

  4. If he didn't no it was there then he shouldn't pay if he did no it was there he should pay

  5. yes

  6. If this where you told him to put the fence without telling him about moving the sprinklers then he is not responsible ,but if he put it in different place than what you told him then he should move the fence ,if you didnt give clear location he is not responsible

  7. I guess the question is, did he do what he was hired to do the way he was supposed to? Did he put the fence where he was contracted to? I have had three different contractors destroy my sprinklers and none of them fixed them. First, we had a room addition and the room covered a large area of the yard. We did not put sprinkler repair/replacement in the contract, so it was not covered. Next we had several trees taken out and the roots were all tangled up in the sprinkler lines, not covered! Third we had a main water line replaced which took a different route then the original. Somewhere in the old line the sprinkler intake line was connected, not covered. I was shocked, but I understand now!

    Good luck to you!

  8. i think legally he is responsible for damages unless you signed a contract stating otherwise... but if he doesnt pay is it really worth it takin him to court for this?

  9. If you marked out the sprinkler system for him before he started, then you have a good claim. If you just hoped they had enough sence to avoid your sprinkler system, then your out of luck.

  10. when doing work in any one elses yards they should ask if there is any electrical ,water pipes ect he should pay for fix i know in landscaping when we do any type of digging in the yard such as pond planting a tree with the tree spade we ask home owners if any thing is there and we make them sign a paper saying that homeowner said nothing was there and is responsible for any repairs of damaged electrical water pipes and so on and if they are not sure we call that dig number

  11. Yes, his company is liable for the damages.

  12. No

    Its your lawn you get to pay the sprinkler guy.

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