I gave him my grandma's ring to reset- a beautiful perfect diamond, and told him he did not have to use it (I sort of wanted him to buy me my own, but did not want to ask him to). I thought if he used her diamond, he should do more with the setting. When we went to a custom jeweler, I REALLY liked this one ring, and it was really different. He travels a lot with his job, for months at a time, so he had my grandma's ring for six months. I came to visit him and he took me to a jeweler in a strip mall near his hotel and showed me some Ritani rings- really classic and beautiful, and said those are the ones he wants me to choose from. I liked them, and it was hard for me to make a decision, and I really should have spoken up- because I really wanted something different like from the custom jewler and I thought since I gave him the diamond he could afford it. I really liked this one and I didn't get it. He ended up choosing the ring- and using my grandma's diamond on it. I am not materialistic, but now I am starting to think that I am because it bothers me that he got me just a solitaire with a thin band (and I told him I did not like the thin bands) and I just feel that he did not really listen to me. It is not about the money, it is the fact that this is the ring I am going to wear the REST of my life, and I wanted him to put a lot of thought and sacrifice a little for it. I also know that you are supposed to spend 2 months salary on your ring. His friend spent 10,000 on his fiance's ring, and my boyfriend only spent a tiny bit on a solitaire band- and he makes almost $7,000 a month- so I know he can afford a lot more! OK, I know I sound like a complete spoiled b*tch. I am really not! I just started to wonder why he was saying that he had to save for it, and really he spent as much as he did on his friend's bachelor party to Vegas on my ring! It just makes me feel like I am not worth much to him. Am I crazy! What is wrong with me? Why I am having these materialistic thoughts about the ring? I just feel like when you ask someone to marry them, you are sacrificing a litle and saving up for it. It is beautiful, but not really what I had in mind, and I just feel like he got what he wanted and not what I wanted. How can I stop these thoughts? I can't talk to him about it! It is awful to think that way??