
Should my friend be worried? His new girlfriend's dad showed him his gun and said "dont make me shoot you"

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is this an argument for or against gun ban laws?




  1. Ha! That's the kind of Dad I want to be.

    Your friend doesn't need to worry, but he'd better remember to be a gentleman at all times.

    And it's a great argument for allowing every father of daughters to possess a firearm. Think about how far the teen pregnancy rate would drop if every little runt knew his life would be in danger!

  2. dad is just trying to prolong his daughters virginity . we all do this .

  3. It's an argument for your friend to keep his pants on.  He should only be worried if can't keep his zipper zipped.

  4. Neither! It's a good argument for good behaviour by your friend.

    I have daughters too and I also have guns. I'd never use a gun on a young man ( boy) who hurt my daughter. I'd use my bare hands after I run him over.

  5. I would defiantly be worried

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