She is in 4th grade. She has always been homeschooled. She is doing very well- 99th percentile on CAT tests, excellent musician, great, fun kid. However, she is an only child.
It is difficult for my wife to get her to do her work now. My daughter just prefers being with other kids. A couple of months ago, she said she didn't like the violin, then she got in an orchestra with other kids and now she likes it. Now, she says she doesn't like math and it's hard to get her to do her work, but if she were in a group, I think she would enjoy it. It's just boring to be all by yourself.
We could try to get a homeschool group or co-op going though. That's another alternative.
I am a real homeschooling advocate, but I wonder if my daughter would just prefer spending her time in school with other kids instead of at home with her mom. Don't just say to sign her up for classes, because she is already in lots of them and plays with the neighbors all the time. What do you think?