
Should my husband be mad at me because...........?

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I don't always let him touch me...for example I don't let him touch my face or like rub my thighs or my arms or kiss my neck I either push him off or tell him to that wrong or something??

It's a little awkard because he's always telling me I'm so beautiful and s**y and caressing me and I don't see it




  1. why not! i use to be shy about with my boyfriend but i let him ;) he just wants you to feel beautiful,

    you should 1st try to get to trust him, you dont seem like it, open urself to him.

  2. well iF u don tlike it then,i hope u told him why,cause most women love to b caressed,,PEACE

  3. You have problems.  Get help. What your husband wants to do is normal.

  4. Talk with s*x Dr. You should enjoy these moments not pushing him away. Get help>>>>>>>>

  5. I get the not wanting to be touched in the face thing, it's greasy.  And the body, too, like sometimes I'm just too tender like around my period.

    Just understand that men are very easily embarrassed and they interpret that as total rejection.  Just maybe explain sweetly that you can continue another time when you're both up to it.

  6. You're missing the "I wanna get royally banged" gene.

    Sad for you that you can't take affection.


    you just don't like your husband

  7. well if you don't like it be honest..i dated someone who didn't like playfighting and touching his face but he smiled so i thought he was sincere and honest and try to relax though. Your situation sounds more extreme, do you have trouble being intimate with your husband?

  8. Sounds to me like you have a pyscological problem.  You married the man.  That should have given him the clue that you wanted him to touch you and give you lots of compliments.  It isn't his fault you went through what you did when you were growing up.  Have you let him know about this before you were married??? You need to get to a professional  .  One day you are going to look for that attention and it is just not going to be there.  

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