
Should my husband be mad because..........?

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I don't always let him touch me...for example I don't let him touch my face or like rub my thighs or my arms or kiss my neck I either push him off or tell him to that wrong or something??

It's a little awkard because he's always telling me I'm so beautiful and s**y and caressing me and I don't see it




  1. your husband obviously sees it. you should let him love you. he wants to touch you b/c he finds you attractive. he loves you and wants intimacy. if you love him, you should let him love you back.

  2. if you continue to push him away he will start to get a hard heart.

    I went through this and although i still sometimes have a hard time when my husband continues to say I'm beautiful, I am starting to try to accept and see it.

    would you rather your husband tell you the good qualities or the bad ones?

    I think your blessed and should appreciate it!  

  3. He wants to be physically intimate with you and you keep pushing him away because you don't feel s**y or beautiful.  You feel that you aren't worthy of his praise of physical attentions.  That has to be frustrating for him.  Each time you push him away, you reject him.  You need to start to accept that you are beautiful and s**y and that he loves everything about you.  Think about that and smile.  In your mind, picture him touching you and how great that feels.  Tell yourself that you are beautiful and s**y.  Set aside all your fears and inhibitions and doubts, and embrace the fact that you have a man who wants to touch you and then, let him touch you.

  4. Poppet you don't realise how lucky you are

    to have such a man.

  5. You need help, and most probably will lose him to another.  Pushing his love for you away is just wrong and is hurting his feelings and more than likely hurthing your marriage.

  6. How did you learn you were not beautiful?

  7. Your husband loves you and thinks you're beautiful and wants to show you that. If you push him away and tell him to stop he will take it as a rejection. Let him touch you and get some help with you self image.

  8. u re frigid. u need medical help

  9. Well how would you feel if it was the other way around and everytime you went to touch him he would push you away. He prob feels rejected and hurt like you dont want him. You do not want him feeling that way because if he does he might do something with the first girl that shows him attention or makes him feel wanted.

  10. Yes that is a good enough reason for him being mad!

    I'm in the same situation with my wife and you know what?

    I am now cheating and experiencing some intimacy with a lady whose husband does the same thing to her.

    Be careful as you're going to drive your husband into another ladies intimate arms.

  11. Hes your husband, you need to allow him to do those things to you. Sounds like you have a self image problem. If hes telling you that you are beautiful, then you needto believe him!

  12. yea its awkward...and maybe wrong...depending on the reasons why u wont let him touch you...we have to know why u feel like u dont want him to touch in order to try and helo...whats the problem??

  13. He's your husband, lover and (hopefully) best friend. As long as he sees it that's all that matters. Enjoy the fact that he thinks you're the cat's meow. A great many women would love to trade places with you.

  14. Yes, something is wrong - you have a self image problem.  You don't feel good about yourself, therefore you don't want him touching you.  It will cause lots of strain on your relationship if you keep denying your husband affection and rejecting his touch.  He is only expressing his feelings for you.  Find a way to help boost your self esteem... possibly get some therapy.

  15. You are insecure for some reason.  Tell him that.  And if he says none of what youfeel ashamed of matters to him, enjoy it.  Most women would kill for a man who liked to reach out and touch them.

  16. I know what you mean.  I'm not frigid by any means, and I wasn't abused as a child or anything, but I just hate people touching me at inappropriate moments.  Don't know why.  Don't like it when people rub my skin - its irritating.  If my man wants to touch me then a hug is good, or hand holding, but not that irritating skin rubbing or face touching.

  17. This is him trying to get his attention and give you some.  In some way you need to make sure that he is getting his attention and doing some of the things he would like to try.  This is a give and take thing so you must let him do some and stop him other times when you really do not feel like it.


  18. Yeah this is a serious condition.

    Like were you molested as a child?

    I am being DEAD serious here.

    Honey, you need help TODAY or he WILL end up cheating or leaving you.  This is so far from normal I cannot even imagine what he is going through!!  

  19.   I think it would hurt me in a very deep way. Don't know if I would be mad but very hurt. Can you not talk about this with him? You really need to find out what he likes and why you don't. Has there been a change in your feelings or his? Communication is the key to a relationship, if that is way to hard, then counsel is the next step I believe.

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