
Should my husband take our brand new adopted son to his frist baseball game without me he is 6 mo?

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we got him 5 days ago his 2 year old and 8 month old adopted sisters have been to so many with me and there dad




  1. why would a 6 month old baby be at a baseball game anyways? and the baby would annoy some people and whats he gonna do change him in the seats? drag a baby carrige threw a ball field if he wants to be w his baby have him tune in on a tv set  d**n

  2. For goodness sakes!  Lighten up a little and let your husband be a daddy!  Your husband must be responsible enough - trust his judgment!  It's called male bonding - if your husband wants to take him, by all means, let the man take him!  Most people in the crowed will oooh and ahhh over him - especially if he is dressed in a baseball outfit!

    Be happy that the man even WANTs to do something with the little guy that young of an age.  That is a heck of alot more than alot of guys are willing to do even when the child is older!

  3. no, don't take him!

  4. he's too young and might get sick or cranky...

    but however, i agree with the previous post, you are gonna have to allow him some solo time to bond since you did it with your girls...

  5. I’d probably take the 2 year old too. She would more know what was going on then a 6month old baby. Though I suppose he might want to take him to bond a bit taking his boy to the ball game.  Though I guess if he wants to take the 6month old just be prepared.  as others have said, the boy might end up sleeping during most of the game.

  6. 6 mos. is to young...people get roudy at games....he could get hurt...its to loud there...

  7. Forget what some of these people say.  If you and your husband are comfortable with taking your child to a baseball game, then do it.  Take the necessary precautions, of course, but I'm sure you were going to do that anyway.  

    I'm thinking that since you mentioned you have three children, and this seems to be the first "son", your husband is probably just being a "proud daddy" with wanting to take his son to his first ball game.  Let him have his proud daddy moment - and maybe mommy & the girls could do something special too.  

    Good luck.

  8. I'm not sure why he would want to take an infant to a baseball game if you weren't going with him.  It would be more enjoyable IMO for him to leave your son at home.  He will get plenty of chances for father-son bonding.

  9. I agree, I don't think that a 6 month old would enjoy the game at all. It might be hot depending on where you live and that would make him cranky, as well as all the noise. If you have only had him 5 days it might be too stressful for him to go and be in such a loud and unfamiliar place. Put the interest of your newly adopted child at hand. Congrats and good luck!

  10. Uh, YEAH, he's the dad and you don't need to always be there with the kid. Let him spend some father/son time with his kid. Don't be a hog.

  11. a 6 month old baby isnt going to enjoy a ball game and will probably cry at least once which will annoy everybody else at the game...

  12. That is a ridiculous question.  An 6-month old should not be going to a baseball game.  Nor an 8-month old for that matter.  Get a clue.

  13. I think 6 months is too young for a baseball game, personally, whether or not the child was just adopted. Why not go on a family picnic instead? The baby needs time to be around the people who are going to be his family!

  14. Serioulsy, Sarah.  If you have to ask this many questions about how to parent your own children, then you:

    1.  Need help and support, and parenting classes and a parent support group.

    2.  Need help and support, and parenting classes and a parent support group.

    3.  Need help and support, and parenting classes and a parent support group.

    How did you ever get approved to adopt?  Please, if you are for real, get help today!  Call one of the numbers below.

    Get Help!!

    1.  Parental Stress Hotline: 24 Hours, 7 Days. (800) 632-8188.  Support and referrals for parents with children of any age, as well as for other family members, care givers, friends and relatives.

    2.  Parents Helping Parents (PHP) (800) 882-1250

    A self-help program for parents who want to improve their relationships with their children. PHP relies on specially trained volunteers from professional health and human services to help guide discussions, suggest referrals to other services, and provide assistance when needed.

    3.  The Parent Line (United Way of Massachusetts Bay) (617) 421-1789  The Parent Line offers parents and other caregivers quick, up-to-date parenting information on everything from nutrition to discipline and pregnancy. After hearing a pre-recorded message, callers can choose to speak directly with one of our trained, volunteer specialists. Parent Line messages are available in both English and Spanish.

    4.  Family and Home Network - chat with other parents, read articles, gets answers!

    5.  Talk to other Moms and read about parenting, etc.

    And, if you are a kid, or a troll, please stop posting here!

    Edit:  You don't think you need help but you do!  And anyone who says she gets "compliments for taking in all those babies" or whatever you said -- argh -- please!  These are not trophies, they are your children.  Do not adopt again.  You are one stressed out, mixed up, not too adoption savvy woman!  You do not have the skills to parent three kids.  You do not have the strength to parent three kids.  So get help NOW so you will be able to parent the ones you have, and then stop at that!  You are in way over your head, my dear!  Who let you adopt all these children?  Please, for your sake, and for their sake -- get support now!  You seriously need it, and therapy too perhaps. I am NOT trying to be mean, but I just get the heebie jeebies when I think of you not even being able to make the most simple parenting decisions by yourself, just adopted your third baby, and yet you already trying to figure out how to adopt again.  These kids are at risk.

  15. If you are working or are otherwise busy, then why not take a little to a game.   But you claim to have a 2 year old, and an 8 and 6 month old????   There is no way one person can watch a game by himself with three kids this age.  Are u telling us a story or what is the real story?   You have been in yahoo answers for 2 days and have asked how many questions?????   How does one with 3 kids under 2 have that much time when you just got them?

  16. You must be very stressed out to have so many babies, your questions doesn't make sense

  17. I don't think he should take either baby to a baseball game because of the crowds scaring him and the weather but it would be great if the 2 y/o could go. If that won't work suggest he take a friend from work to the game. BUT help him figure out something special to do with the new baby like a parent/baby class. It sounds like you are trying to be a good mom. Keep up what you're doing and ask family and friends for help when you need it.

  18. I think it would be a great bonding experience if your husband can handle the demands. Just remember to pack everything you think he will need

    (extra juice, water, milk bottles, plenty of snacks, diapers and wipes, a small light blanket in case it gets cold at night, maybe some toys like rattles, ect.)

    Contrary to what people think babies DO remember these kinds of experiences, and when he remembers how his daddy made time to take him to a game by himself he will surely be respectful of it.

    Good Luck!

  19. It sounds to me like your husband just wants to bond with his new son.  He's probably been dreaming about father and son outings for years and can't wait to start, even if the baby is too young to get anything out of it.  It won't hurt the baby to go, I'm sure your husband knows how to take care of him, or you wouldn't even be considering it.  It might be good for you to get some rest too.  However, if you don't feel comfortable, perhaps you can talk it over with him and he can wait until your son is a bit older.  Perhaps remind him that if the baby gets fussy during the game he might have to leave, is he prepared to do that?

  20. What does the baby being adopted have anything to do with your question? Sounds like you have issues.

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