
Should my landlord have to pay my electric bill when fans were used to dry my carpet?

by  |  earlier

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The water heater pipes broke in the apartment above mine and water came into my apartment and caused my carpet to get wet. Two Large fans have been placed in my apartment for 4 days to dry the carpet out. Should my landlord be responsible for the increased electric bill during these four days?




  1. they should pay for that portion at least an estimate of the electricity that was used. buildings fault not yours

  2. I would talk to him.......if you have been a good renter I would think he will help you out...........if not don't expect much.

  3. Yes, due to the fact that the water leaking to cause your floor to become wet was not your fault. If your landlord had properly attempted to dry your carpet then this wouldn't be a concern, however, he did not and you had to dry it yourself. Your landlord should have done something to accommodate your situation. Talk it over with him, I'm sure he will at least split the difference with you.

  4. Maybe

    I wouldn't think the fans would make a huge jump in the bill anyway

    You could ask him if he would let you take a little off your next rent payment for the expense

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