
Should my military recruiter know about my social anxiety?

by Guest64707  |  earlier

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So im thinking about joining the military ( dont know which branch yet). Ive talked to military recruiters but did not tell them that i have social anxiety and lack of social skills. When we were talking i was nervous and all but they did not ask or anything. So if i decide to actually enlist should i let them know or keep it to myself?

Thank YOu




  1. Your so-called  social anxiety and lack of social skills will disappear once you develop some self confidence.  

  2. If you have not been medically diagnosed with social anxiety, just tell them you are extremely shy.  You will overcome that when you have totally completed boot camp, you may suffer a little during boot camp but it will be worth the pain when you finish as a confident person!

    My daughters best friend was extremely shy to say the least, after Marine boot camp, she is very outgoing and worth listening to!

  3. Depends on you. I've seen tons of guys keep things secret that came back to haunt them in bad ways.

    If you feel you can handle it, I'll bet you can. You know better than your recruiter. Trust your feelings, Luke.

  4. If its documented, you might have a slim problem.  I'm assuming that your primary doctor did not diagnose you with it either.  That will help you since normally the military to see the notes from your main doctor.  They shouldn't find anything unless your doctor referred you and wrote the referral down too.

    The military won't really care unless it poses a problem anyway.  Just keep quiet about it.  Let the military do the research.  If they find something, it will happen BEFORE you leave for basic.  

    If for some strange reason you still don't believe us or the military finds out, you could still get in.  I know first hand the army is scraping the barrel with recruits.  They're snatching members from the other branches so getting into the army will be the easiest if your options are that limited.  By the way, I'm definately not partial to the army.

    Good Luck.

  5. NO NO NO NO

    Keep it to yourself if your not already diagnosed.

    they have the ablility to NOT except you because of it.

    once you get in you can deal with it, but just act as if its a new thing.

  6. While typically you don't want to keep something secret. (The worst thing would be to enlist, lie about a medical condition, and then get found out). However, I doubt your social anxiety is enough of a problem where it would matter. Just keep it to yourself and don't think/worry about it. I'm sure it won't be a problem. After all, you managed to ask a bunch of strangers a personal question over the Internet, that does require SOME social skills. Don't sweat it and good luck.  

  7. With all the idiots I remember from basic training you'd fit right in. There's tons of people in the army who have the social skills of doorknobs. But just remember keep your mouth shut, goto parade rest and ask permission everytime before you speak to the drill sergeant.

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